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Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 9:57 pm
by Robin
Oh BComet, my family will definitely be praying for you.

"Cancer sucks. Its a big bad monster that needs a smackdown." <---- My daughter's reply when her teacher was diagnosed (July5th).

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 5:27 pm
by trixie
Oh, BComet, I am so sorry to hear about this. You and your family are in my thoughts.

I think it was Diva who commented we don't all know each other, we're names we see a few times a week/day on a forum. But we are compassionate and live lives of goodness, or so I prefer to believe. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you to just post your news and your fears like this. Your strength is inspiring.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 7:08 pm
by Beethovenfan
Hi BComet! Just checking in to let you know I've been thinking of you. Hope you are OK.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 2:12 am
by bcomet
Hi My Bransforum friends.
I've been trying to write, to keep writing. Right now, it's a really good place for me.
I'll be going to the hospital cancer center at the University of Michigan Hospital for the whole day on Monday
and by end of day, I'll have a plan of action from a team of 40 banned word, hopefully with my surgery scheduled soon.
I've been approved for funding for a big part of what's to come. I'm so grateful for that.
I am trying to take this one step at a time. I still don't know what I'm in for yet.
Your kind thoughts and support and guidance and prayers are deeply appreciated.
Thank you and I'll keep you posted.
My very best to all of you.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 9:10 am
by sierramcconnell
Just let us know if there's anything we can do. And, since terrible humor is my way of handling things (laughter keeps those endorphins up!), please keep us 'abreast' of the situation.

[hugs] You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 12:40 pm
by bcomet
My Update:

Lumpectomy in 2-3 weeks. Radiation. Yes. Chemo - maybe - depending on pathology after surgery.

Rough year, yes. At this point, unless pathology reports differently, I have a 95% (MUCH improved over previous predicted 70% outcome) chance of survival.

I will keep you all informed.

In the meantime, THANK YOU for your kindnesses and Please, get your own check ups. Please.

Kindest regards,

bcomet (still writing)

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 12:48 pm
by sierramcconnell
That's great news! :D

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 12:58 pm
by trixie
BComet, thank you for keeping us updated. I can't imagine the relief you and your family must've felt to hear 95% odds in your favor. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 1:11 pm
by bcomet
It's very weird to have your life flash before you.

When it was 70 % odds, I asked a few how many would get on a plane if they had a 30% chance of the plane crashing. No one I asked would have agreed to fly under those statistics.

But, as a cancer patient, you have to get on that plane...

The hope that it might be better statistics is very comforting. And there is still that pathology report that will truly determine the outcome.

The doctors tell me I will still have a year to go through. I still don't know what that means. I don't feel sick yet. I just feel scared.

Your kindnesses here mean the world to me. Thank you. Thank you.

This is also a bold new way for me to have become visible.

But, as it seems, there is no place really left to hide.

My kindest regards to all,


Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 2:20 pm
by Beethovenfan
Hi bcomet,
It's been 10 days since your last post so I thought I'd check in on you. I hope treatments aren't making you too sick. After watching a few friends and family go through it I know you probably are though. I just wanted to let you know you are still in my thoughts.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 8:27 pm
by bcomet
Thank you Beethovan Fan so much for checking in.
I've been through a whirlwind of doctor appointments. More next week, then on Friday, my surgery...
I won't lie - I'm very scared. But I'm in good hands with God and doctors both.
My nice and very loving husband is also by my side.
I'm praying a lot and writing my WIP trying to keep my creative focus.
So yeah, surgery is my next big step.
Trying to take it one step at a time and not go falling down into everything that may or may not be next. That's hard too.
Prayers are especially appreciated. Thanks again. You all are awesome.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 1:59 am
by Ishta
Hi Bcomet,

I just found this thread.

I am sorry to hear your news, but so happy that you have such good odds in your favor. And more than that, I am happy that you have your husband and your WIP, and that you have opened up to us here.

Keep working on your WIP. Keep spending time with and loving your husband. Keep touching base with your writer- and artist- and other friends. Because all those things are your reasons. Hold them tight to you, and never let them out of your sight.

I'll be thinking of you. I have confidence that your surgery will go well, and that you will come out the other side of this stronger than before. We're all here for you.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 12:32 pm
by dios4vida
bcomet wrote:Learning More About Sharing.
I am an artist. I have exhibited across the country and somewhat abroad (China, Kuwait, Russia...)

This is a heart painting that I made called "Three Hearts." It's about joining hearts. I turned it into a print and a project I call my "1000 Hearts Project" to share with dear friends and also to help support children's causes.
If you still find yourself in need of funds, I think you could sell those prints to support your bills. I'd buy one, if it wasn't too expensive. It's gorgeous.

Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 6:06 pm
by bcomet
Dear Brenda,
Thank you so much! That print is already dedicated for children's causes, but I am thinking about creating some work for breast cancer too.

And now, the BEST of news:

My surgery was Friday. It went well, and we have still needed to wait for the pathology report on the lymph nodes. They took out two.
Just a few minutes ago, I heard from Pathology. They got it ALL. My cancer was isolated to the lump and removed completely. My nodes are clean. It did not spread.

I am on my knees, grateful.

I'm going to be the best radiation patient they ever had. Life has taken on new meaning.

Much love to all, Thank you so much for your kindness, support, prayers, encouragement, and hope.


Re: Oh Crap Breast Cancer

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 6:16 pm
by sierramcconnell
bcomet wrote:Dear Brenda,
Thank you so much! That print is already dedicated for children's causes, but I am thinking about creating some work for breast cancer too.

And now, the BEST of news:

My surgery was Friday. It went well, and we have still needed to wait for the pathology report on the lymph nodes. They took out two.
Just a few minutes ago, I heard from Pathology. They got it ALL. My cancer was isolated to the lump and removed completely. My nodes are clean. It did not spread.

I am on my knees, grateful.

I'm going to be the best radiation patient they ever had. Life has taken on new meaning.

Much love to all, Thank you so much for your kindness, support, prayers, encouragement, and hope.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Hooray~! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*