Music or quiet when you write?

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by cassandrabonmot » February 22nd, 2010, 10:36 am

Music. iPod. When I'm writing a novel chapter based on my screenplay treatment, I envision the song played on the big screen. So, I play that song over and over until the chapter is where I want it to be.

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by Lunetta22 » February 22nd, 2010, 2:01 pm

Niether...television, a book on my lap, and people talking around me. I need background noise and someone to ignore. (Probably stems from trying write during my classes in High School...haha.) The only problem comes when people actually start thinking I'm paying attention to their conversations, or the tv show, and start asking me about it. I don't know how many times I've had to say: "I'm not paying attention, sorry."

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by Sesquipedalian » February 22nd, 2010, 2:40 pm

I almost always write to The Lord of the Rings soundtracks. I got into the habit when I was writing my master's thesis and it just stuck. It's great music--Howard Shore really is an amazing composer--but not too distracting, especially when you've listened to it a bajillion times. Classical music works, too, but somehow it doesn't get me into the right frame of mind as well as LotR.

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by Sarah Enni » February 28th, 2010, 3:40 pm

Depends on the day. Most of the time I listen to the "writing" mix I compiled on my iPod of albums I've listened to so many times that they don't distract me. Blogged about it here:

Generally, any Radiohead or more ambient / cinematic music that creates an appropriate atmosphere. Lately I've tried some classical and I like it, as long as it's just piano. If I tried to listen to a full symphony I would be much too distracted by the brilliance.

I never thought of listening to the LotR soundtrack -- genius! Might have to try that out this week. I also think the idea of creating a playlist that correlates with the time period of the ms is a great idea. Helpful as always, forum-ers!

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writing and music - the soundtrack as storyboard

Post by JTB » March 23rd, 2010, 11:20 am


I'm new here and hope i'm not the only one, but does anyone else use music to get into where the novel/story is coming from - the mood, so to say?

Other books, postit notes, newspaper articles, bookmarks, twittered gossip, things overheard, visual storyboards, movies, lists etc etc all play a part, but I've found that I can identify a playlist of songs that capture, to a degree, the mood of what I'm writing scene by scene and in turn help me get into it - anyone else? Don't let me be alone in this !!

Here's some of the soundtrack to the novel I've nearly finished - and yes, sometimes I do get off my ass and dance!

What's your playlist?


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Re: writing and music - the soundtrack as storyboard

Post by JTB » March 24th, 2010, 7:40 am

hhhmmmm odd, just me then. I should start a support group, go see my shrink or start a fri***n blog?

Right now I'm listening to Mexican guitar - I have this character whose in a filling station down that way (This guy's CD in fact - is it helping with the writing? No, thanks, not today. Today I feel I should be sat in a reverent silence ...

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Re: writing and music - the soundtrack as storyboard

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » March 24th, 2010, 9:49 am

Lots of people do. In fact, there's already a very long thread somewhere around here on music and inspiration and playlists for writing. Try the search and it will probably pop up.

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Re: writing and music - the soundtrack as storyboard

Post by JTB » March 24th, 2010, 9:53 am

aaahhh, found - thanks - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=301&start=20&hilit=playlistscan you move me there, shift this thread?

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by wilderness » March 24th, 2010, 5:45 pm

I also think that contemplating the "soundtrack" of your book can give you a creative jump-start.

Most of the time, I write in silence. Or if it's on, I don't really even hear it if you know what I mean.

But if I'm trying to write a particularly moody scene then music can really help me get into the right mood, and get my juices flowing.

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by worstwriterever » March 24th, 2010, 6:42 pm

I like to watch some upbeat videos before I start writing, then I need it to be quiet.

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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by ganstream1 » March 24th, 2010, 9:28 pm

I listen to music when I write. My house is just too hectic to be able to write in silence.
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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by wildheart » April 1st, 2010, 4:04 pm

I love music...but, for me, music and writing just don't mix. I can't focus when I listen to music.
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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by HillaryJ » April 2nd, 2010, 2:24 pm

worstwriterever wrote:I like to watch some upbeat videos before I start writing, then I need it to be quiet.
Ah, I'm a bit like this. I listen to music sometimes to help me get into a mood/scene and while re-reading what I wrote the day before (just checked the iPod...very little upbeat-ity going on), and I sometimes listen to music to cover up the more-distracting sounds of the family. However, I've noticed that I generate bizarre typos when I write while listening to music. A lot of incorrect words that are sort of the phonetic version of the word I meant to write, and a number of transposed pronouns. "I am a girl," he said. What?

However, I left my son's favorite CD on after he left the house a couple of days ago. Parents will recognize this as the CD that they've had to buy 8 times because it's worn out due to overplaying, but is essential to a peaceful drive as tires. It was on repeat. I wrote for an hour and, when I got up for another cup of coffee, discovered it was still on. I had no idea. Simply could not hear it, probably because I've been tuning it out for almost two years now. The chapter I was working on came together quite nicely.
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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by Sommer Leigh » April 2nd, 2010, 11:57 pm

I have to have quiet. If I try to listen to music two things happen: 1) I spend too much time messing with what song is playing now and 2) I end up typing lyrics on accident instead of the actual dialogue. During a very important moment in the dark, during a thunderstorm when things are really scary for the first time in my book I wrote the entire chapter listening to thunderstorm nature tracks on YouTube. It was one of the best chapters I have ever written.
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Re: Music or quiet when you write?

Post by Margo » April 5th, 2010, 12:36 pm

I don't necessarily need quiet. I can work with people talking around me (at reasonable decibels). The one thing I can't have is music. I find the rhythm of the music interferes with the rhythm of the prose.

Music beforehand, however, is great. I like the suggestion in one of James Scott Bell's books that a writer spend some time everyday reading poetry. He believes that contrast between poetry and prose can help a writer limber up, so to speak.
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