Helpful Advice You Received With Regards to Writing

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Helpful Advice You Received With Regards to Writing

Post by curtis » May 30th, 2016, 6:47 am

The most helpful advice I received came from a journalist. Since I was working as a reporter, he said that I should use verbs that require an object. Active verbs make the story better to read. In addition, he said my writing style should be economical since a story can only take up so much space. Prioritizing information is key. Essentially, active verbs and prioritizing information are essential for a journalist.

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Nathan Bransford
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Re: Helpful Advice You Received With Regards to Writing

Post by Nathan Bransford » April 10th, 2017, 10:51 am

What do you mean by verbs that require an object? Can you give some examples? I'm a little grammar challenged.

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