WriteOnCon 2012

The writing process, writing advice, and updates on your work in progress
Sommer Leigh
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WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 9th, 2012, 10:40 am

This is just a friendly reminder that WriteOnCon 2012 starts Monday, though some stuff is already happening over there. WriteOnCon is a FREE online kidlit writer's conference (for main characters under 18 years old. Primarily YA and MG.) It's also one of the best resources for kidlit writers online. I've fallen hard for several agents who have participated in the past. The information is vital and up to date, the authors are fun and real, and there's always a chance you'll be noticed by an agents roaming the forums incognito.

There will be some events happening in real time, but everything ends up posted so you can read the conversations, the Q&As, and watch videos of the events whenever you want.

I know our Trixie is participating this year. Anyone else taking the plunge? Has anyone participated in past years?

If you are participating in forum events, post links here so we can go read your entry!

What events are you looking forward to?

May the word counts be ever in your favor. http://www.sommerleigh.com
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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 9th, 2012, 10:41 am

I'm copy/pasting their schedule of events here (all times are EDT):

Monday, August 13:

•Ninja Agent officially opens in forum.
•Call for entries for Gennifer Albin’s Building Better Sentences workshop (submit the first 100 words – call for 100 entries, Genn will randomly pick 10 to crit) FORUM event.
•Call for query pitches for literary agent Peter Knapp’s forum event.
•Call for PB queries for Emma Walton-Hamilton’s forum event.
Look for a post on Sunday will specific times for when these submissions open on Monday morning.

Tuesday, August 14:

6:00 AM: Welcome Keynote by literary agent Joanna Stampfel-Volpe and the cast and crew at New Leaf Literary

7:00 AM: How to Get Started With Social Media: DON’T Do All The Things! by Soho Teen publicist Meredith Barnes

8:00 AM: Choosing the Right Critique Partners by bestselling author Leigh Bardugo

8:30 AM: Picture Book Query Critiques by bestselling author Emma Walton-Hamilton – FORUM EVENT

9:00 AM: Interview with literary agent Daniel Lazar

10:00 AM: Live pitching event with literary agent Peter Knapp – FORUM EVENT

11:00 AM: Revision Toolbox by the YA Muses
–Call for social media questions for Pam van Hylckama Vlieg’s FORUM EVENT on Wed.

12:00 PM: Corey Rosen-Schwartz and Tiffany Strelitz-Haber discuss picture book writing
–12:15 PM: LIVE FORUM EVENT: Corey and Tiffany critique PB stanzas

12:30 PM: Middle Grade Rules by author Shelley Moore Thomas

1:00 PM: Hooks and Killer First Lines by author Lissa Price

2:00 PM: Author Denise Jaden and literary agent Michelle Humphrey talk about the agent/author relationship. LIVE EVENT

3:00 PM: Tips for Starting a New Project by bestselling author Marissa Meyer

3:30 PM: What is Voice, and How do I Get it? by author Jennifer Nelson

4:00 PM: LIVE EVENT with editor Liesa Abrams and literary agent Jen Rofe

–Call for questions/twitter-style pitches for the Entangled editors in FORUM

5:00 PM: World-building in Science Fiction and Fantasy by author Mindee Arnett

5:30 PM: The Importance of Craft by editor Molly O’Neill

9:00 PM: Live Panel of Professionals – literary agents Mollie Glick, Cheryl Pientka, and Emily Keyes, and editor Sarah Barley

Wednesday, August 15:

6:00 AM: Plotting with 3×5 cards by author Kimberley Griffiths Little

7:00 AM: Knowing When Your MS is Ready to Query by literary agent Lara Perkins

8:00 AM: Authors Lenore Appelhans and Phoebe North discuss Reading like a Book Blogger

9:00 AM: Being Orphaned by author Joy Preble

9:30 AM: Building Characters into Real People by author Frank Cole

10:00 AM: All Your Publishing Questions… Answered! by editors Molly O’Neill and Martha Mihalick, and literary agent Holly Root

11:00 AM: Blogging Basics by literary agent Pam van Hylckama Vlieg
–11:15 AM LIVE FORUM EVENT: Q&A about social media/blogging

12:00 PM: He Said, She Said, Creating sexual tension through dialog by author Jessica Martinez

12:30 PM: Rhoda Belleza of Paper Lantern Lit talks Elements of Writing

1:00 PM: Gennifer Albin LIVE FORUM EVENT – critiquing previously submitted material in a Building Better Sentences Workshop

2:00 PM: Live event with literary agent Sarah Davies and author Megan Miranda

3:00 PM: Differences between YA and MG and the challenges of writing both by Claire Legrand

3:30 PM: The Inside Scoop: Get Your Query Noticed by editor Leah Hultenschmidt

4:00 PM: Stacy Abrams, Heather Howland, and Alycia Tornetta of Entangled Publishing answer questions and take twitter-style pitches - FORUM EVENT

5:00 PM: The Lucky 13s “Back to Basic” Writing Tips by various PB, MG, and YA authors debuting in 2013

9:00 PM: Live Panel of Professionals — literary agents Katie Grimm and Sarah LaPolla, and editors Sara Sargent and Alison Weiss
May the word counts be ever in your favor. http://www.sommerleigh.com
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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by trixie » August 9th, 2012, 11:57 am

Thanks for posting the full schedule, Sommer. This is actually the first time I've seen it, so it's a huge help!

Yes, I am participating. It's been humbling. I posted my first 250 words and waited. And critiqued a bunch of queries and submissions in the MG threads. And kept waiting. The longer my stuff went without comments, the more I was convinced that it was terrible.

It was a little of both. No, my work isn't terrible. But it also isn't ready. I think I knew this, but reading all the constructive comments about WHY people thought it wasn't right really helped put it in perspective. Bottom line: I need to redo the opening. Okay, I can handle that. It's a book I love, so it's worth the endless hours.

And, to be totes honest, I had my first "this isn't working for me" comment yesterday. It stung and I had to take a good portion of the morning to get over myself, but I'm glad I felt those feelings. I'm SO GLAD I put my samples out there for comments by strangers. I have nothing but good things to say about this entire process, even though I was scared out of my mind to post.

Here's a link to my first 250 words: http://writeoncon.com/forum/showthread. ... ian-s-Book

Here's a link to my first 5 pages: http://writeoncon.com/forum/showthread. ... ing-title)

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by wilderness » August 9th, 2012, 2:36 pm

Thanks for the link! Will have to check it out.

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by CharleeVale » August 10th, 2012, 11:11 am

I also have my query/250 Posted. Not sure if I'm going to do the 5 pages yet....

Query: http://writeoncon.com/forum/showthread. ... t-Her-Life

First 250: http://writeoncon.com/forum/showthread. ... t-Her-Life


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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 10th, 2012, 12:26 pm

May the word counts be ever in your favor. http://www.sommerleigh.com
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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Mark.W.Carson » August 10th, 2012, 9:57 pm

I'm in. Not sure how well it will go as I got critiqued into a new rewrite, which is a good thing, in some ways. Let's see.

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by breathe » August 11th, 2012, 10:14 pm


This looks really interesting. So, it is entirely free online? And if one cannot actually sit and watch it from 9-5 (or whatever), then they can read/access the posts they'd like later in the day/week?
I have to read the details!

I'm impressed that people post 250 words. So do you have to pay for that or is it a free thing? Who gives the critiques? Just any one (such as you or me?). I think it sounds so tempting. But, I'm seriously very very new to getting any actual writing done. So, for example, I've just started a new piece after getting up my *nerve* and am about 1000 words in (very, very , very new), and who knows where it will go and I'm sure I'll be convinced of its awfulness in a few days/weeks, but still tempted just to post it up to see what others say.

But that might be foolish? Considering it is very new, it might actually scare me off? Thoughts? Plus, I've never shared writing with anyone. i have no partners or critique partners or anything. Like I said, I'm new to the page itself. So, maybe it would be crazy to post a bit of something that is so new and uncertain at this time? Just wondering, I guess I'm also like "gee, I wonder what this first 1000 words is really like...I wonder what others would say".

Anyway, thanks for the link. It's almost overwhelming to see how much good stuff they are going to go through....I don't know how I'll ever be able to watch/read/learn/absorb it all!
So much to learn and know. :shock:

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by breathe » August 11th, 2012, 10:20 pm

Also, Mark Wason
I just noticed your last blog post on voice, and it was very interesting! I think I struggle with voice because I am so new maybe. Like right now the piece I am writing, I think I'm falling into the "writing like an author/work I love to read"....of course, I'm not actually writing like that person (or I'd be a genuis) :mrgreen: , but its along those lines if that makes sense.
That's kind of sad, because I really like that style to write in, but I feel almost that it is a writing like "x" person or whatever...

I find it difficult sometimes to be consistent with one voice/interest because I read a lot and when I fall in love with a story/author/voice, I suddenly start freewriting/brainstorming/first drafting something like that. Then if I read something different and love that, I start suddenly going in that direction. It's almost as though I need to stop reading :!: (for a while anyway). But I can't . I'm kind of addicted to having something new to read all the time and can't imagine not reading at least 1-2 books/week.

(sorry if this in the wrong thread, I just got "going" with thoughts in my head).

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by trixie » August 12th, 2012, 12:24 pm

breathe wrote:I find it difficult sometimes to be consistent with one voice/interest because I read a lot and when I fall in love with a story/author/voice, I suddenly start freewriting/brainstorming/first drafting something like that. Then if I read something different and love that, I start suddenly going in that direction.
Hey, breathe! I'm the same way--when I read a good book while writing, my brain starts working on that frequency and soon, I'm CONVINCED my WIP is more fan fic than original content. As a result, I can't read in my genre while writing. My work tends to feel too false.

As for your WoC questions, I guess it's up to you. If you want to get feedback on your first 250 words, this is an EXCELLENT place to do it. I posted and received some excellent feedback, even though it instantly translated into a crapload of more work for me. But that's what this is about, reading others' posts, offering suggestions, reading others' comments, and shoving all those nuggets of info into your brain in hopes you remember all the good stuff when you get back to your writing.

There are some excellent pieces out there and the constructive criticism is awesome. It has been absolutely worth it for me. I hope you participate and have a similar experience!

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Sanderling » August 12th, 2012, 12:29 pm

I'm planning to post my query and perhaps some other bits, but I'd been waiting for the official conference forum to open tomorrow. I'd read (here) that that's where the conference ninja agents were going to be patrolling. So now I'm confused by everyone posting their stuff already in the writing boards forums. Do the ninjas go through there, too? Should I post to both spots?

I'm really looking forward to the full conference events! They've got a great line-up of stuff and I can already tell I'll have lots of reading to do. :)
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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by trixie » August 12th, 2012, 12:36 pm

Hey, Sanderling! How are you!?

I think people were posting their Q/250/5pgs early for feedback, first. Then, as suggestions come in, people have been editing or posting a "Revised" on top of their "Original" submissions.

The conference ninjas won't be on until tomorrow, so people have been posting to get feedback and brush up their stuff before then. Does that make sense?

I don't know anything about separate threads to post stuff though. Maybe someone else can help? I was under the impression the ninjas would be heading to the writing boards.

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Sanderling » August 12th, 2012, 12:46 pm

Thanks for the clarification, Tricia! That makes sense.

This is from the official WOC blog post about ninja agents:
The Ninja-Agent Program is open for business starting on Monday, August 13, one day before the conference begins. That’s when we’ll open the main conference forums and let you start posting your work. This will give you time to get your writing in tip-top shape and in the forums before Tuesday, when our first Ninja will arrive.
Which is where I got the idea that they'd be in the separate section of the forums associated with the conference (ie, here).

And I've been doing well, keeping busy, writing lots. Haven't seen you much on Twitter, so hope you have been too. :)
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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by trixie » August 12th, 2012, 12:53 pm

I read that blog right after I posted my reply and you're right--it sounds like there will be a separate place for people to post their "brushed up" queries, etc. Sorry, I guess I'm not sure what's going on!

Earlier in the week, WoC tweeted that people could submit q/250/5pgs for WIPs as a way to get feedback from fellow writers. Later, they tweeted that people shouldn't post queries for projects that weren't finished because if an agent asked, well, you'd be in a pickle. This made the most sense, but seemed to be confusing for some people. Or maybe that was just me.

Either way, I submitted 250 and 5pgs for my WIP and was working on a query draft when I saw the tweet and decided to just hold off. Based on the feedback I've received, I have a lot of work to do so there's no sense writing a q letter right now when I need to figure out where my story's supposed to start!

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Re: WriteOnCon 2012

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 12th, 2012, 1:05 pm

Sanderling and Trixie:

The boards that are up are the boards that are up. They opened them early this year so you could start getting and giving feedback prior to the ninja agents coming around. This question was asked of the admins on the YA board. Then you have a chance to edit for fixes before they read your work. The boards have been open for a few days. Here's where you can read the question and answer:

http://writeoncon.com/forum/showthread. ... ting-Rules
May the word counts be ever in your favor. http://www.sommerleigh.com
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