Synopsis (Updated) - MG Fantasy: Acea and the Animal Kingdom

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Synopsis (Updated) - MG Fantasy: Acea and the Animal Kingdom

Post by KyleS » June 18th, 2012, 1:25 am

***Please see below post for my most recent revision. As always, your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks - Kyle

You guys totally helped me shorten my query and make it more interesting. Here's my synopsis, which I'm feeling is too long - maybe not, I don't know. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks - Kyle

Acea and the Animal Kingdom

“My name is Acea Bishop. I am William Bishop’s son. And I am a wizard.”

After years of falling asleep to his mothers’ magical bedtime stories about the father he’d never known, twelve-year-old ACEA BISHOP awakes in a place as mystical as those sagas. When Acea first wakes up, he finds himself in a throne room surrounded by six old, wooden doors. Five of them are mysteriously labeled: Safari, Jungle, Aquarium, Terrarium, and Aviary. The sixth door seems to be an exit, but it has no handle and is sealed shut. Having no other option, he randomly chooses to enter the Aquarium room, and in so doing, embarks on an adventure that not only changes his life, but the lives of all those who dwell in the Animal Kingdom.

Within the first room, Acea is surprised to find that he literally is inside of an aquarium that houses sea creatures. After find a strange orb that lights up when his blood touches it, Acea realizes that he isn’t inside of just any aquarium, but a magical one. Upon escaping a couple heart-pounding moments, Acea re-enters the throne room. But to his surprise, he sees something even more unexpected: a giant white bird that not only can talk to him, but knows his name.

The bird, named EMMA-CLAW, turns out to be friendly and partially explains what is going on. In the middle of the throne room, there is book full of names. All of the names are crossed out. All of them, that is, up until the name “Acea M. Bishop.” Emma explains that all of the animals in the realm used to be servants for THE WIZARD, the prior ruler over the kingdom. After a harsh argument, an evil sorcerer named VESUVIUS defeated their master and a spell was placed on the kingdom that turned all of the Wizard’s servants into animals. By an unknown power, each name in the book is brought into the kingdom in hopes that they will be the name to end the spell. To aid them in their journey against Vesuvius, magical gifts were left in each room that must be retrieved prior to the name approaching the evil sorcerer.

Facing his fate, Acea begins his hunt towards certain doom. Within the different rooms, Acea not only must brave the danger of wild animals inhabiting each habitat, but he also must overcome some animals which don’t want the spell ended. Vesuvius has loyal followers who work for him; some out of fear and others by empty promises. But animals aren’t Acea’s only enemies. Upon entering each room, the time in the kingdom is reset. Acea must complete each room in less than twenty-four hours or he, too, will be transformed into an animal and trapped forever inside of the kingdom. Each room has separate challenges, such as puzzles and mazes, which push Acea and the few allies he assembles beyond their physical, mental, and emotional boundaries.

In his second to last room, the Safari, Acea discovers an ancient prophecy written upon an old stone slab. The prophecy foretells of a lion which will lead an underground group called the Safari Army to overpower NERO-TOOTH, a tyrant tiger who rules over the room’s starving animals for Vesuvius. The problem, though, is that there has never been a lion inside the Safari. Just as all hope appears lost and Nero is pouncing to kill Acea, the amulet necklace which he discovered in a previous room turns him into a lion. After Nero surrenders in fear, word that Acea may be the name to end Vesuvius’s spell spreads throughout the kingdom, quickly uniting the animals. In full submission, Nero offers up the Safari room’s gift: a wooden stick.

In the Jungle, Acea must re-unite seven different species of monkeys by having them all sit around a stone table. Each of the monkeys were wizards in the Order of the Nine, an ancient brotherhood to which Acea’s father belonged. In order to convince each monkey to sit at the table, Acea must not only present all of the gifts from the other rooms, but also must convince them that he’s the name who will finally end Vesuvius’s reign. But in re-uniting the wizards, Acea learns secrets about his past he never could have imagined.

It turns out that Acea is the son of the Wizard and that he, too, is a wizard and a member of the ancient Order. In addition, Vesuvius is his uncle who wants nothing more than to have Acea as his son. Vesuvius cast the spell over the kingdom when Acea’s father, WILLIAM, refused to turn Acea over to Vesuvius in satisfaction of a long-owed debt. Now, Vesuvius has both of Acea’s parents imprisoned inside the kingdom. Acea then realizes that his impending confrontation with Vesuvius isn’t just to end the spell – it’s to free his parents.

For Acea to receive the final key leading to the room where Vesuvius dwells, Acea first overcome his biggest fear - being swallowed by a gigantic blue whale. Once completed, Acea confronts Vesuvius, wand in hand. Vesuvius does not attack Acea with magic, but instead with painful truth. Vesuvius insists that Acea is indeed his son, and explains that everything involving the Animal Kingdom was meant to lure Acea to him. Full of emotion, and wanting nothing more than to be reunited with his parents, Acea shoots a lightning bolt out of his wand that entraps Vesuvius. Maimed, Vesuvius releases his spell over the kingdom, transforming all of the animals back into humans. Unfortunately, Vesuvius escapes. Just as Acea embraces both of his parents for the first time as a family, to Acea’s horror his parents suddenly disappear. Returning to the throne room, Acea sees all of the animals celebrating as humans. Though he is relieved that he’s ended the spell over his father’s kingdom, Acea knows that a larger war is brewing – a war to defeat Vesuvius and find his parents.
Last edited by KyleS on July 2nd, 2012, 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: August 5th, 2011, 11:54 am

Re: Synopsis - MG Fantasy: Acea and the Animal Kingdom

Post by KyleS » June 22nd, 2012, 1:25 am

This is my revised synopsis. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!

Acea and the Animal Kingdom

“My name is Acea Bishop. I am William Bishop’s son. And I am a wizard.”

After years of falling asleep to his mothers’ magical bedtime stories about the father he’d never known, twelve-year-old ACEA BISHOP awakes in a place as mystical as those sagas. When Acea first wakes up, he finds himself in a throne room surrounded by six old, wooden doors. Five of them are mysteriously labeled: Safari, Jungle, Aquarium, Terrarium, and Aviary. The sixth door seems to be an exit, but has no doorknob and is sealed shut. Having no other option, he randomly chooses to enter the Aquarium room, and in so doing, embarks on an adventure that not only changes his life, but the lives of all those who dwell in the Animal Kingdom.

Inside the Aquarium, Acea is surprised to find that it actually houses large sea creatures. But after uncovering a strange orb which ignites when his blood touches it, Acea realizes that it isn’t just any aquarium – it’s a magical one. Upon escaping a couple heart-pounding encounters with animals, Acea reenters the throne room. But to his surprise, he sees something even more unexpected: a giant white bird that not only can talk to him, but actually knows his name.

The bird, named EMMA-CLAW, turns out to be friendly and partially knows what is going on. In the middle of the throne room, there is a book of names. All of the names are crossed out. All of them, that is, except his name. Emma explains that all of the animals in the realm used to be servants for THE WIZARD, the kingdom’s prior ruler. After a harsh argument, an evil sorcerer named VESUVIUS defeated their master and a spell was placed on the kingdom which turned all of the servants into animals. By an unknown power, each name in the book is brought to the kingdom in hopes that they will be the name to finally end the spell. To aid the names in their quest against Vesuvius, magical gifts were left in each room that must be retrieved by the name prior to being able to approach the evil sorcerer.

Facing his fate, Acea begins his journey towards certain doom. Within the different rooms, Acea not only must brave the danger of wild animals inhabiting each habitat, but he discovers that some animals don’t want the spell ended. Vesuvius has loyal followers who work for him; some out of fear and others by empty promises. But animals aren’t Acea’s only enemies. Upon entering each room, the time in the kingdom is reset. Acea must complete each room in less than twenty-four hours or he, too, will be transformed into an animal and trapped forever inside of the kingdom. Though Acea assembles allies to aide his fight against Vesuvius, each room presents different challenges that pushes them to their boundaries, such as a giant tarantula named KHACHATUR who wants to feed the animals to his thousands of hungry babies.

In his second to last room, the Safari, Acea discovers an ancient prophecy written upon an old stone slab. The prophecy foretells of a lion which will lead an underground group called the Safari Army to overpower NERO-TOOTH, a tyrant tiger who rules over the room’s starving animals on behalf of Vesuvius. The problem, though, is that there has never been a lion inside the Safari. Just as all hope appears lost and Nero is pouncing to kill Acea, an amulet necklace which Acea received as a gift in a prior room turns him into a lion. Nero surrenders in fear, and word quickly spreads among the animals in the Kingdom that Acea may be the name to end Vesuvius’s spell, uniting the animals in support of Acea. In full submission, Nero offers up the Safari room’s gift: a wooden stick.

In the Jungle, Acea must reunite seven different species of monkeys by having them all sit around a stone table. Each of the monkeys was a wizard in the Order of the Nine, an ancient brotherhood of wizards to which Acea’s father belonged. In order to convince each monkey to sit at the table, Acea presents all of the gifts from the other rooms. To Acea’s surprise, the head wizard-monkey, GAELAN, knows exactly who Acea is, and reveals secrets about his past which he never could have imagined.

It turns out that Acea is the Wizard’s son. He’s surprised to learn that he’s also a wizard and member of the ancient Order. Vesuvius is his uncle and wants nothing more than to claim Acea as his son. Vesuvius cast the spell over the Kingdom when Acea’s father, WILLIAM, refused to turn Acea over to Vesuvius in satisfaction of a long-owed debt. Long ago, Vesuvius offered to give William a potion which would save his wife, Acea’s mother, from a terminal illness. Thinking they had nothing to lose because they couldn’t have children, Acea’s parents agreed. But when they later became pregnant, Vesuvius demanded they turn Acea over. Now, Vesuvius has both of Acea’s parents imprisoned inside the kingdom, in an attempt to lure him close. Acea then becomes ever more to determined to confront Vesuvius, but not just to end the spell –free his parents.

But the key leading to the room where Vesuvius dwells requires Acea overcoming his biggest fear - being swallowed by a gigantic blue whale. Once completed, Acea confronts Vesuvius, wand in hand. Vesuvius does not attack Acea with magic, but instead with painful truth. Vesuvius insists that Acea is indeed his son, and explains that everything involving the Animal Kingdom was meant to trap Acea into agreeing to be his son. Full of emotion, and wanting nothing more than to be reunited with his parents, Acea shoots a lightning bolt out of his wand that entraps Vesuvius. Maimed, Vesuvius releases his spell over thekingdom, transforming all of the animals back into humans. Unfortunately, Vesuvius escapes. Just as Acea embraces both of his parents for the first time as a family, to Acea’s horror, his parents suddenly disappear. Returning to the throne room, Acea sees all of the animals celebrating as humans. Though he is relieved that he’s ended the spell over his father’s kingdom, Acea knows that a larger war is brewing – a war to defeat Vesuvius and find his parents.

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