Join a writers' association to mention in query?

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Join a writers' association to mention in query?

Post by KyleS » June 5th, 2012, 6:38 pm

Besides the invaluable help in editing or otherwise making connections to help get a prospective writer published, I'm wondering what people's thoughts are in joining a writers' association (i.e. SCWBI, etc) just for the benefit of mentioning it in a query. Beneficial? It's obviously not going to be the only reason why an agent may request a ms., but does it help demonstrate to the agent that it's a serious submission who's willing to network, etc? (I'm not recommending or referencing joining an association as a "ploy." Like others, I work full time and can't plan on attending all or most events - I'm just wondering if having the association membership mentioned in a query would be worth the fee to join.) Thoughts are appreciated - thanks.

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Re: Join a writers' association to mention in query?

Post by Mira » June 9th, 2012, 4:09 pm

Does it cost money to join? If not, definitely worth a shot.

If it does cost money......I don't know. I think it couldn't hurt, and maybe it will impress an agent, but I think the real strength of your query is in your description of your book.

You might ask Nathan in the Ask Nathan thread. As a former agent, he may have a take on this.

Good luck!

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