Building Social Networks

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and promoting your book on the Internet
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Building Social Networks

Post by riteon » August 7th, 2011, 10:33 am

Hi all,
I'm a new fan of Nathan's and by extension all the rest of you. I am a second career writer (um...didn't like the first career, now pursuing this crazy passion for writing) and I'm aware how important social networking is to writers (blog, Facebook, etc...) but not sure about content as I am unpublished (no fans outside of my three labradors).
Someone suggested blogging as my characters. It would be fun as I'm editing my work, but seriously, is this a good idea?????? Help.
And just for fun, I did attend a James Rollins/Steve Berry writing conference and they were AMAZING! If they come to your area please go!

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Re: Building Social Networks

Post by maybegenius » August 7th, 2011, 6:57 pm

I wouldn't recommend creating a "gimmick" account unless you have a strong idea of how you're going to do the content or your book is already in the works to be published. For most unpublished writers, it's usually best to just be yourself, get involved in the writing community, and start making connections. As you get more comfortable on social media, you can narrow down what it is you really like to post about and what people respond most to, and you can hone that into your "platform" if that's what you want.

Mostly, though, writers use social media for personal fun, networking, and connecting with readers. Many of the most popular authors on social media (Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, John Green) use social media to be themselves. That's where I recommend starting. Don't worry too much about building a "following" as an unpublished author. Just enjoy yourself and learn the ropes at the same time! :)
aka S.E. Sinkhorn, or Steph

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Re: Building Social Networks

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 8th, 2011, 12:23 pm

I second Maybegenius's sentiments entirely. Maybe if you were doing a special project to help promote a finished product, maybe you could do something fun that involves your characters, but I honestly don't think it translates very well. Most people gather around a perosnality online because they want to know more about that person. It's about making connections, making friends, and sharing ideas.

As a five day a week blogger, content is tough and if you don't know what you'd talk about, I wouldn't consider a blog until you're ready. Facebook, Google+ and Twitter are easier for content and easier to find people with and excellent places to start getting used to social networking.

Good luck and welcome to the boards!
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Susan Quinn
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Re: Building Social Networks

Post by Susan Quinn » August 21st, 2011, 10:18 pm

MaybeGenius has it just right (*waves* :) ). Also, I would recommend Kristen Lamb's book, Are You There Blog, It's Me Writer. Avoid the gimmicks, be yourself, have fun. Don't stress. I know, not easy. Most of all: Don't forget to write! :)
Susan Kaye Quinn (young adult and middle grade author)

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