Do you have a new blog post?

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Matthew MacNish
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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by Matthew MacNish » April 19th, 2011, 9:21 am

Today is my stop on Rose Cooper's Gossip from the Girl's Room: A Blogtastic Novel blog tour: ... novel.html

There are drawings (and there's a drawing)!

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by dgaughran » April 19th, 2011, 9:39 am

Today's blog post turns the spotlight on European Publishers, looks at the share that e-books have captured there, what's holding back growth, what's hindering self-publishers, how Amazon have failed to achieve dominance, and how European publishers are doubling down on the mistakes that US publishers have made.

You Can Go Your Own Way: European Publishers Double Down On America’s Mistakes: ... -mistakes/


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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by sarahthewriter » April 19th, 2011, 1:13 pm

5 Tools to Carry in a Conspiring Universe: ... iring.html

Is it just me, or do you feel like every time you start a new project, the universe conspires against you to take away all the time you thought you had to work on it. You finally get started, and then you look on your calender and realize that the next several days are a string of doctors appointments, meetings, helping your friend move, the Hare Krishna Festival of Colors, and you wonder where your time went. The past few days have been like that for me, just when I got started on my new WIP.

So what do you do? Being busy doesn't just happen at the beginning of projects, it happens all the time. Many of us are balancing jobs, parenting, school, and all the other things going on in our lives with our writing and writing careers. How do we balance the two?

1) Carry a notebook. That way, when you're sitting at your kids kindergarten waiting for school to get out, you can pull out the notebook and jot down a few sentences. You can outline the next chapter of your novel while sitting in the lobby of the doctors office.

2) Carry a book. You could fit in a good page or so while filling up the car at the gas station. To be a good writer you must be a good reader, and I imagine that sneaking bits of writing time helps your brain keep at high functionality throughout the day, just like sneaking crackers or apple slices helps move things efficiently through your digestive system. Poetry and short story collections and literary magazines are particularly suited for this.

3) Carry business cards. Take the time for some guerilla marketing. Sneak a card into one of the magazines on the coffee table at the doctors office. Give your card or even a copy of your book to your kids teacher or school librarian. Whatever you think might work.

4) Carry a planner. With writing time tightly squeezed, its useful to plan ahead and know exactly when you will be able to actually sit down and write. Even if its just ten minute chunks. And then, once you know when you'll be at your computer, while you are out and about, plan ahead and know where and how your going to start up again when you get back. That way you will minimize the unproductive staring-at-the-screen time.

5) Carry an iPhone. Or something like it, if possible. That way you can update your blog or Facebook fan page while sitting at the lecture you didn't want to go to in the first place. Get your emailing and social networking done while you're on lunch break, and then when you get home and finally have your own time, you can use it for the actual writing instead of having to catch up on all the businessy type things.

Life will still be crazy and busy, no doubt, but carrying and efficiently using these tools can help maximize your writing productivity. Are there any other tools you think might be useful?

Sarah Allen

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by Fenris » April 19th, 2011, 3:01 pm

Sarah: YES! I know exactly how that feels, and have been feeling it for quite some time now. I've never been very good at juggling, so to speak, but I seem to be getting better with practice. Small comfort, though, as people keep finding ways to add more balls.

Strangely enough, my new post involves a character with exactly that problem. He finds himself in a world where everything about him could condemn him in the eyes of others, and so has to maintain an elaborate illusion to fit in. Read more at ... roken.html and be sure to let me know what you think!
Hi, my name's Fenris. I'm a thousand-year-old monster who's broken free to destroy the world. Your kids will love me!

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by CharleeVale » April 19th, 2011, 3:41 pm

A review of Cassandra Clare's City of Fallen Angels!


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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by slpierce » April 19th, 2011, 4:23 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm new here but I have a new blog post called I just need one hour! It's about the problem finding time to write. Love for people to check it out and leave comments.

S.L. Pierce author of Secrets, a fast fun mystery/thriller

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The Espresso Book Machine

Post by Pen and Ink » April 19th, 2011, 4:27 pm

The Espresso Book Machine is here. ... ne-is-here.
Lupe went to see it in action and here is his report

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by HillaryJ » April 20th, 2011, 12:18 am

Cyberdyne Systems Second Most Sinister Invention Was...Me? ... -muse.html
CARNIEPUNK - ... 1476714158
as Regan Summers - The Night Runner series from Carina Press

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Regan Leigh
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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by Regan Leigh » April 20th, 2011, 6:47 am

LAST DAY: The Bear in a Basket Easter Giveaway! Win an autographed book, $50 Amazon card and more...

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by dgaughran » April 20th, 2011, 9:02 am

Today's blog post is about how the economics of the publishing industry, combined with readers' buying habits, have strait-jacketed the writer into only writing stories of certain lengths. I talk about how this has all changed with digital publishing, and why we might see a resurgence in the novella, a form which has produced classic work over the years including A Christmas Carol, Of Mice and Men, Billy Budd, Animal Farm, A Clockwork Orange, The Old Man and The Sea, and Heart of Darkness.

Read the post here: The Length of a Piece of String - ... of-string/
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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by gilesth » April 20th, 2011, 9:13 am

I read a writer's blog the other day, and I wanted to write a response that would keep this writer from getting discouraged if/when her journey through the publishing world deviates from her planned rout.

High Aspirations: To New Writers ... iters.html

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by TheZies » April 20th, 2011, 11:30 am

I am not a unique and beautiful snowflake. All my base are belong to agents.

back to work I go!!
follow me on the twitters!
I also have the blogs:

Nigel Haberdash
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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by Nigel Haberdash » April 20th, 2011, 12:15 pm

I am a special snowflake. Today I ponder wise old sayings and have a new poll on the right-hand side. Link is in the sig.

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by Fenris » April 20th, 2011, 12:38 pm

TheZies: I enjoyed the reference!

My newest tale features the main character of the series (finally), but it's in a slightly different writing style than the others. Let me know which style you prefer in the comments! Read it at ... art-1.html
Hi, my name's Fenris. I'm a thousand-year-old monster who's broken free to destroy the world. Your kids will love me!

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Re: Do you have a new blog post?

Post by Polenth » April 20th, 2011, 11:29 pm

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