How many books do you read per week (or month)?

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by Anobile1 » October 13th, 2010, 9:02 am

I read about 8-12 books a year. If I was always reading something, it would be a lot more, but I've always had a hard time starting a new book, so something has to sound really good to get me to take the plunge.
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by dios4vida » October 15th, 2010, 4:59 pm

My reading depends on my WIP, also. When I'm really into writing, maybe a book a week. When I'm taking a break or having writer's block, it's usually 3-ish. Depending, of course. Sometimes I'll go a week or two without reading a word, but by that time my husband's starting to wonder when the aliens arrived and stole his wife from him. :-P

At the moment my bookcase is getting pretty thin on the TBR side (sadly) so I'll need to go shopping again. I just don't know what to buy! Eek!
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by sarahdee » October 22nd, 2010, 4:28 am

1 book a week/fortnight but thats because its hard to get books in English here (small remote island in Asia) - I'd read more if I could. Also unless I go the next island I have limited choice so all I currently read are second hand Patricia Cornwells and Sue Graftons. Don't get me wrong I love a good crime paperback but I'd kill for a decent bookstore sometimes.

If I'm at a complete loss I read in German but then it takes me about a month to get through a book and I swear to myself a lot.

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by heyimkt » October 25th, 2010, 12:46 am

Usually I read about two books a month, sometimes three. But if school gets in the way, my reading time suffers :( My WIP is pretty steady throughout. I wish I could easily knockout four books a month, my to-be-read pile is growing way too fast.

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by Jessica Peter » November 26th, 2010, 10:52 pm

Usually 6 is a lower-average month, 12 is a higher-average month. I tend to get slowed down when I'm reading more non-fic, and sped up when I'm reading more Regency romance (because generally I can't put them down until the couple is together....).
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by rosepetal720 » April 11th, 2011, 11:41 am

I think that question is more or less irrelevant because it depends so strongly on what kind of books you're reading. A YA is completely different from Les Miserables, for example.

Personally, some books I read in a day, others I take a week or two. I read about four a month.
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by Collectonian » April 11th, 2011, 3:55 pm

I guess going by average, 30-40 per month, since I read 350-450 a year. It depends, though. Some times I'll go a week without reading anything, then "binge." I read a mix of stuff, though at least half is manga, which I can easily read 10-20 volumes of in a day. :-P I also have some favorite novels that I'll plow through in a day, especially if its one of those days where I have nothing to do and my sweetie is busy.

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by siftbookreviews » May 5th, 2011, 12:52 am

I (Sarah) read two to three per month for Sift Reviews specifically, but beyond that it fluctuates wildly. If I'm working a lot of third shifts, I can read 20 more books a month. But if life gets busy and I'm not working at night, it may be as little as two non-Sift books in a month.
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by LibbyHeily » May 9th, 2011, 9:19 pm

I read anywhere from 2 - 8 a month. I do two audiobooks at one time, one on my iPod and one on my iPhone (read - one for the gym and running and one while I clean and cook). I physically read usually 2 - 3 books at once though not always by choice. It just ends up happening. Standard for me is to be reading one novel, one non-fiction book, and one play at a time and listening to two audiobooks.

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by Down the well » May 11th, 2011, 10:52 pm

LibbyHeily wrote:I read anywhere from 2 - 8 a month. I do two audiobooks at one time, one on my iPod and one on my iPhone (read - one for the gym and running and one while I clean and cook). I physically read usually 2 - 3 books at once though not always by choice. It just ends up happening. Standard for me is to be reading one novel, one non-fiction book, and one play at a time and listening to two audiobooks.
Libby!! Nice to see you here.

Look at you, multi-tasking. I haven't tried an audio-book ever. But how awesome to clean the house while listening to a book (it might actually induce me to try that cleaning stuff some day).

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by delorfinde » June 5th, 2011, 9:23 am

Too many.
Generally I borrow 7 books from the library on a Friday and return them the following Friday. This week (which was half term, too), I haven't finished them yet. I've got four to go. It's Sunday - I should have been to the library two days ago. Although for the record I did buy a book on Friday which I finished that evening, so I have an excuse.
I'm trying not to buy books as my room is very full.
I was aiming for 150 books in 2011 but I'm already in the 120s, so I may have to increase that.
I re-read books to the point where I know many of them off by heart...!
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by OpheliaArabel » March 28th, 2012, 1:49 am

Normally I use to read 3 books per month, sometimes 2 it depends on my time and mood.
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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by CharleeVale » March 28th, 2012, 10:31 am

It depends on my school schedule. If I'm not busy, I can probably read up to 5 books in a week, but there's other times when I'll go for three weeks without reading anything.

Also, I'm drafting again, and I tend to read less when I'm drafting. But I have a Bitterblue ARC that is calling my name. :)


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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by Cookie » March 28th, 2012, 11:43 am

It depends. Usually 3-4, but if I'm in a slump or in a writing frenzy, then it might only be 1 a week. It also depends on the size of the book too. the Count of Monte Cristo is going to take significantly longer than say the Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I can finish in a couple of hours, whereas Monte Cristo would probably take 2 weeks.

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Re: How many books do you read per week (or month)?

Post by writersink » April 4th, 2012, 8:34 am

About 3 a week, so 12 a month. I inhale books, and if I don't have any time during the day, I'll wake up earlier or go to sleep later. I'll read literally anything. This past week I've read four books in four days, but that's because I discovered some really amazing ones recently that just had to be read as soon as I could.

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