Alliteration Addicts Anonymous--AAA

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Alliteration Addicts Anonymous--AAA

Post by mrswritebrain » January 14th, 2010, 10:39 pm

Felicitations, friends! Thanks for foraying forth on this frosty forenoon to find filial feelings from your fellows. Let's untwist our tongues and clear the clutter from our craniums. Mimic me: Lascivious Lulu lounged languidly long Larry's lavender leather lounger. Father Farquar found five fun fairies flying from fair Fairbanks.

Ah, that's therapeutic. I will share my sad story: From innocent infancy I imbibed imbecilic idioms including, "Bye Baby Bunting," "Peter Piper" and his prolific peppers, "Betty Botta" and her boatloads of bitter butter, and "Wee Willie Winkie," and whatever in the world he wanted.

As I aged, I was attacked by an alphabetizing alliterator. Suess spawned such offspring as "Aunt Annie" and her alligator, "Warren Wiggins" and "Waldo Wu," "Uncle Ub," under an umbrella, and that enormous enigma, the "Zizzer Zazzer Zuz."

This chronic condition constantly creeps into my creations. My characters are called, "Foster Florentine Finkman," "Kaylee Kincaid," and "Attaboy Aimes." I recite a recently written rant: "'Help!' she hollered between hoops and howls." Do you see how I snuck similar sounds into the sentence structure?

And I can't quit.

I'm perfectly powerless. I plea to a more powerful Persona.

This is no time for trembling. Take your timidity to task. Feel the freedom! Say a sentence sans alliteration.

It isn't impossible.

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