Query Deluge

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Query Deluge

Post by charity_bradford » January 12th, 2010, 2:06 pm

This is in response to yesterday's post on the blog--http://blog.nathanbransford.com/2010/01 ... eluge.html
I'm not totally sure why this all is happening, but I'm guessing it's a combo of:

- NaNoWriMo novels have been edited and are ready for submission
My thought was, "Are you kidding!" I'm still working hard on revising and perfecting my 2008 Nano and have not even looked at my 2009 Nano since saving it on Nov. 28th. Does this mean I am overly cautious? Should I be sending queries already? I love my story and think it is awesome (as do my few privileged proofers), but I know it isn't perfect yet.

How do you know when enough is enough? How do you get past the fear and send out that first letter? ...and do you know any agents looking for a science fiction/fantasy adventure?
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Re: Query Deluge

Post by taylormillgirl » January 12th, 2010, 2:40 pm

I'm guessing that 99.9% of novels written, edited, and submitted in less than 3 months are met with rejection.
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Bryan Russell/Ink
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Re: Query Deluge

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » January 12th, 2010, 3:49 pm

Lol. 99.9% of novels written any-which-way are met with rejection.

As for when something's ready... well, hopefully you've had people read it and gotten some reactions. And then just go by your gut, when it feels ready. Or when you think you you're just treading water. Though, trust me, when you press send you'll probably think of ten things you know you absolutely have to change. The very act of sending usually provides a sudden bit of clarity.

But, really, sometimes you have to send it out and see. You might get a bit. You might get close. You might not. All will tell you something. And you might even get feedback, concrete comments about where to go.

There's probably no perfect time. Make the book as good as you can right now and give it a shot.

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Re: Query Deluge

Post by taylormillgirl » January 12th, 2010, 4:25 pm

Ink wrote:Lol. 99.9% of novels written any-which-way are met with rejection.

Ha! True.
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Re: Query Deluge

Post by kristi » January 12th, 2010, 5:59 pm

Also, remember you only get one shot with an agent for your book. I think it was agent Janet Reid who said, "You can query to early, but you can never query too late." I've been in obsessive editing mode for several months now and it only took me 6 weeks to write the book. I've had multiple beta readers and critique partners give super positive feedback, yet I'm still waiting until it feels perfect to me before I send it out into the world. Good luck!

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Re: Query Deluge

Post by Bryan Russell/Ink » January 12th, 2010, 8:27 pm

Yeah, to add to what Kristi said, don't send to 300 agents on the first day. Send to a few at a time and see what happens. This way you don't burn any bridges. It gives you time to incorporate any feedback, or simply take a different approach. It gives you time to re-evaluate. Hit a few hundred at the get go with a bad query (even if the book might be good) and you might be sunk. So don't rush.
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Re: Query Deluge

Post by charity_bradford » January 12th, 2010, 9:28 pm

All great advice. My story has been percolating for 8 years, but it has only been down on the page for a year. Actually that isn't true. The first draft was finished 4 years ago and was so bad that I don't count it anymore. Haha! Anyway, I've revised steadily all year and my beta readers have given great feedback. I think I need to wait a little longer because I do want it to be "just right." I'm so critical of myself I don't think I'll ever feel it is perfect. :)

I started working on my query letter and short and long summaries today so I'll be ready when that feeling of "it's time!" hits me. Thanks again for all the information.
If you are a mother and a writer you have to make the time to write. No one is going to give it to you.

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