Something of an odd question about translations

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Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Kaitlyne » January 10th, 2010, 10:11 pm

I was just asking a friend about this yesterday (he was gathering advice for me from someone in the industry), and I was thinking I'd ask here as well. Does anyone know anything about translating? I've been studying Japanese for over six years now for the express purpose of being able to translate, but I also haven't got a very good idea of how one goes about getting into the business. I know Del Rey has a submission page for translators, and Dark Horse has my samples, but beyond that I'm a bit stumped.

I have samples, but I'm not really certain how samples are supposed to be formatted, or what type or length publishers like to see. I've tried to have some variety, and currently I'm working on a new sample (from 1Q84), but I'm uncertain even if I should do an entire chapter or just ten pages, for instance. I've done a short story, but it's fifty pages long. Would I send the whole short story as part of a sample, or just the opening pages? This is the sort of thing I'm just really uncertain about.

My language skills are at a high enough level for this (though I only have one test to show for it, and the Dark Horse guy said that it's not as important as the samples anyway), and I'm confident that I could translate novels, etc. I'd like to send off some new samples soon including some of the more complex works than my prior ones, but I want to be as professional as possible and not be dismissed as an amateur by doing it wrong, if that makes sense. If anyone has any suggestions, or perhaps knows someone I could discuss this sort of thing with, I'd love to hear the advice.

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Lorelei Armstrong
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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Lorelei Armstrong » January 11th, 2010, 1:55 am

When it comes to Japanese, I'd suggest you either go live in Japan for several years, or get a Master's Degree in Translation, or both. My sister has worked as a Japanese translator, mainly in television when she was living in Tokyo. I must say if it's six years of study outside Japan, it doesn't sound like enough.

A friend who is a Russian translator suggested first looking for work with businesses on a small scale via ads in Craigslist. See if it builds from there. Or approach smaller publishers that seem to have interests in Japan, perhaps ones that want to bring Japanese novels over into English.

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Kaitlyne » January 11th, 2010, 6:12 am

I've been living in Japan for four years. I actually moved here to improve my Japanese. ;)

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Lorelei Armstrong » January 11th, 2010, 6:32 pm

You're in business, then. I'd look for connections with small-time publishers in Japan (if there are any left) and see if they are interested in translating any of their work into English. And do post some information on Craigslist in larger U.S. cities to see if you can get some business going that way.

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Holly » January 11th, 2010, 6:39 pm

Kaitlyne wrote: I have samples, but I'm not really certain how samples are supposed to be formatted, or what type or length publishers like to see. I've tried to have some variety, and currently I'm working on a new sample (from 1Q84), but I'm uncertain even if I should do an entire chapter or just ten pages, for instance. I've done a short story, but it's fifty pages long. Would I send the whole short story as part of a sample, or just the opening pages? This is the sort of thing I'm just really uncertain about.
My advice might be REALLY wrong, however...

I would email the publishers directly and ask for submission guidelines.

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Kaitlyne » January 12th, 2010, 1:56 am

You know, that's a good idea. That's actually what I did with Dark Horse a couple of years ago because I couldn't find any information anywhere. I've just been afraid of looking like a newb, but honestly it's probably better to just ask and send what they want specifically than it is to guess and take my chances on being wrong, huh?

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Holly » January 12th, 2010, 3:56 am

Kaitlyne wrote:You know, that's a good idea. That's actually what I did with Dark Horse a couple of years ago because I couldn't find any information anywhere. I've just been afraid of looking like a newb, but honestly it's probably better to just ask and send what they want specifically than it is to guess and take my chances on being wrong, huh?

The other poster, Lorelei Armstrong, has some good advice about contacting smaller publishers.

I would contact them for guidelines. If they are too overwhelmed to answer, so be it. However, publishers probably work with set companies or services and are probably unwilling to hire a freelancer they don't know, even if they take your resume and samples. I don't have any specific knowledge. That's just from my experience with the business world.

I would also research translation companies/services that work with publishers. They would probably be more willing to talk to you. I would tell them I was interested in book translation. Maybe they would refer you to a service that does that. I would also look into their background and ask about projects they've completed.

You might also put your question on the Ask Nathan part of the forum.

Good luck. Japan must be a great place to live.

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Kaitlyne » January 12th, 2010, 6:03 am

You might be right about the services, thing, though I always thought it was basically on a freelance basis. I have a friend who used to translate for Dark Horse, however he was picked up because they had seen some of his work online (not kidding) and contacted him. My original plan had been to target the companies that put out a lot of Japanese novels, however, I imagine they already have people who they can contact to work with. In any case, I'll write and ask around if I can. I wish there was an easier way to do this. I wrote about four companies the first time I started looking into this (two years ago or so) and only one responded, and that was because he recognized my name (he used to work for the same program I do and had seen it in a newsletter). I'll see what I can do, and try the smaller companies as well.

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Holly » January 12th, 2010, 7:39 am

Kaitlyne wrote:My original plan had been to target the companies that put out a lot of Japanese novels, however, I imagine they already have people who they can contact to work with.
I would ask. Plus the other poster's advice about starting small and building a resume was a good one.

Again, you might ask Nathan a question on the Ask Agent part of the forum, tell him you have a question in Publishing about translations. He might have some thoughts.

Good luck.

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Re: Something of an odd question about translations

Post by Kaitlyne » January 12th, 2010, 8:55 am

I thought it sounded like a good idea. I was just pointing out that I wouldn't have thought of that myself. ;) I'll pop over and ask Nathan as well. I hate to feel like I'm bothering him haha.

You must be closer to my timezone, Holly. That or you just don't sleep. ;)

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