Having Enough Energy to Get It All Done

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Having Enough Energy to Get It All Done

Post by getrealwell » October 5th, 2010, 9:57 am

Stop Being Run Down and Tired-Ten Steps to Balance Your Energy Account
By Lisa Schilling RN http://www.getrealwellnesssolutions.com

Are you tired all the time, feeling constantly run down and out of energy? Well it is time to audit your energy account. You can learn to maintain harmony and balance your energy by following these ten basic steps. You will learn how the body works to maintain harmony and discover the delicate balance between energy in versus energy out.

Each person has an energy account, to use a banking analogy, and to “stay in good standing” you must regularly balance that account. Your body will allow you to make withdrawals on that account even when it leaves you overdrawn. That equates to those times when you realize the next day that you have, well…overdone it.

Just like a checking account, when you are overdrawn, you must pay it back. If you do not, the account will incur penalties. For your body those penalties mean fatigue, illness or decreased immunity. People like to think they can do it all, because…they have, but that does not mean it is the best thing for them in the long run.

Being chronically overdrawn leads to unrelenting fatigue. The body allows you to keep spending even when you have a deficit of energy. When you do this for too long, you will begin to see the resulting fatigue as normal. How do most people deal with prolonged fatigue? Usually with a coping behavior, such as overeating, alcohol, pills, caffeine, or other unhealthy vices.

People that fall into the chronic fatigue trap will often be blind to the healing path that is available. Part of that may be due to the fact that it will require a lifestyle overhaul. On some level they get a pay-off from the over-activity. It serves a purpose in their life or they would not continue it. The only way that you can change this situation is to begin paying back the energy debt.

The simple solution is to begin rescheduling your life. By learning how to honor your exertion and recovery cycle you can begin to repay the debt and start regaining harmony in your energy balance. For people who have lived the overdrawn lifestyle for a long period of time, this will be a huge challenge. But it can be done.

After struggling for years with energy issues, I know firsthand that by honoring your exertion and recovery cycle you can begin to change your life. This happens when you consistently make balanced choices when scheduling your time. By following these basic steps you can begin to balance your account and regain harmony in your life.

1. You must admit that you have a problem and be willing to make changes to fix it.

2. Begin to value your time and discovery your unique exertion and recovery cycle.

3. Honor your personal exertion and recovery cycle with every time commitment you choose to make.

4. Realize and accept that you serve others better when you have taken care of yourself.

5. Evaluate your current time commitments and prune anything that is not necessary or fruitful.

6. Evaluate and identify the activities and situations that drain you.

7. Create boundaries by developing buffers around energy draining activities and situations.

8. Evaluate and identify the activities and situations that restore you.

9. Schedule equal amounts of recovery time for those times of exertion and stick to it.

10. Say no to any activity or situation that you cannot schedule adequate recovery time for.

Too simple? Well it may seem so, but in reality it requires a lot of commitment on your part to put these “simple” rules into practice. If you decide to settle up your account, and follow through, your investment will reap huge dividends in your life.

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