Writer's Block

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Re: Writer's Block

Post by Nick » December 31st, 2009, 11:11 am

I wait.

I should come up with a better strategy, but that's really all I have. I had writer's block that I say lasted for two years, but really I think it was less. But I'll never know how long it lasted exactly, because after a little over a year I had a panic attack and thought I might never be able to write again, so I turned my attention to one of my other hobbies for a long while. And it wasn't until thirty-one months after the onset of the writer's block that I started seriously writing again. So when in there exactly my talent returned, I don't know. Maybe it really was thirty-one months long.

So, don't use my strategy. Because it sucks. A lot. Especially the whole "afraid I can never write again" part.

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Re: Writer's Block

Post by AAlicia88 » January 1st, 2010, 1:59 pm

Richard A Kray wrote:
AAlicia88 wrote:My problem, when it comes to writers block, isn't content. I know my story. It's like a movie that plays over and over in my head. But sometimes when I go to write it out, I freeze. Writer's block get hold of me when I am trying to find the best way to tell the story using the most effective wording, or lack of wording in some cases, while still keeping my character's voice. I know the first draft is mostly comprised of bad writing but I just can't move on to the next paragraph if the previous one is crap.
I'm the same way, Alicia. I actually usually combine my first and second drafts when I write, so my second draft is more like a polish. Each time I sit down to write, I go back over what I did last time and edit the shit out of it before I go on to anything new. And I'll have some sessions where all I do is edit. I like the work to grow organically like that, fixing things as I see them, so that when I type The End I'm actually almost close to it really being the end.
Richard, I tried this strategy after reading this post and it is working amazingly well. I print out a chapter from the first draft and reference it as I'm rewriting the chapter. The first draft was to get the story down and now I can use it to keep the momentum and original voice of the story. Loving it, thanks for the tip.

Richard A Kray
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Re: Writer's Block

Post by Richard A Kray » January 1st, 2010, 2:15 pm

AAlicia88 wrote:
Richard A Kray wrote:
AAlicia88 wrote:My problem, when it comes to writers block, isn't content. I know my story. It's like a movie that plays over and over in my head. But sometimes when I go to write it out, I freeze. Writer's block get hold of me when I am trying to find the best way to tell the story using the most effective wording, or lack of wording in some cases, while still keeping my character's voice. I know the first draft is mostly comprised of bad writing but I just can't move on to the next paragraph if the previous one is crap.
I'm the same way, Alicia. I actually usually combine my first and second drafts when I write, so my second draft is more like a polish. Each time I sit down to write, I go back over what I did last time and edit the shit out of it before I go on to anything new. And I'll have some sessions where all I do is edit. I like the work to grow organically like that, fixing things as I see them, so that when I type The End I'm actually almost close to it really being the end.
Richard, I tried this strategy after reading this post and it is working amazingly well. I print out a chapter from the first draft and reference it as I'm rewriting the chapter. The first draft was to get the story down and now I can use it to keep the momentum and original voice of the story. Loving it, thanks for the tip.

Awesome! I'm happy to have been of help!

One other tip that works really well for me, using this method, is to have what I call "editing parties". It's what I do now when I'm stuck (though it didn't help me this time, hence this topic). I just go through to a random chapter or part or whatever I feel like reading and edit for a few hours. That way I at least feel productive when I'm stuck on a part. (I actually FINALLY got through the part and edited what I had been stuck on last night... while everyone else was probably at new year's parties having fun, I was at home in front of the laptop. Haha.) Maybe this is why my philosophy is "edit edit edit" and I can't hang with the "first draft is supposed to be shitty" crowd. I don't know.
- Richard A. Kray
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Re: Writer's Block

Post by Crystal » January 1st, 2010, 2:19 pm

I find that editing helps me too. I just can't keep writing if what comes first is crappy and doesn't work right.
Working my very first attempt at a mystery novel. 1st draft

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Re: Writer's Block

Post by dode » January 11th, 2010, 3:46 am

I think whoever listed the types of "writers block" hit the nail on the head.

Don't know where it's going

Don't feel like writing

Emotionally drained

Exhausted from work/school/personal life...

And the one I'm dealing with right now would definitely be the: this is my 8th revision of the same story, and I'm ready to be done with this block

More of an apathy type thing

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