Story Structure

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Story Structure

Post by Metta » July 20th, 2024, 6:38 pm

I believe structure is the most important and basic, necessary element to master in writing, and recently, I've been delving more deeply into that. There are many structures, but they mainly have the same components, often with different names. My favourite structure so far is the 8-Point Story Arc, which can be used for short stories, or novels. I first read about it in Write a Novel and Get it Published, Nigel Watts, Hodder & Stoughton, London 1996.
Stasis - everyday life (otherwise known as exposition)
Trigger - something happens that is outside the control of the main character - the beginning of the rising action
Quest -rising action
Surprises - unexpected events - challenges
Critical Choice - the key character (KC) makes a difficult decision
Climax - the highest level of tension
Reversal - self explanatory
Resolution - new stasis - KC has learnt something

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