Query: YA High Fantasy

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Query: YA High Fantasy

Post by jstoj » May 9th, 2021, 8:05 pm

Dear [Agent],
I am writing to seek representation for Light Breaker Book One: The Starlight Sword, my debut young adult fantasy novel. The Starlight Sword is about 106,000 words and the first in a planned series.
Six years ago, the Hero of Radiance, chosen by the gods, killed the Demon King who had terrorized the human Lucrian nations.
Now, in those nations, the hero's apprentice, Theo, struggles to fill his mentor's shoes. As he begins taking on more responsibility, however, it becomes evident that he is underprepared, and that he has not been told the whole truth about the war and the demons.
In Yun, the land of the so-called demons, the Demon King's daughter, Shiren, does her best to leave her past behind and live in peace. But the hero's allies consider their work unfinished as long as she lives, and her attempts to evade them only paint a target on her back.
Amidst all of this, the two discover that the conflict is less over than either of them would like to believe.
Thank you for your time and consideration,

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Re: Query: YA High Fantasy

Post by informalhospital » June 15th, 2021, 8:14 pm


The biggest thing that jumps out to me is your query doesn't feel specific enough. I feel like I am getting the gist of high fantasy, and not your particular story/sense of stakes. Here is what I mean:

Now, in those nations, the hero's apprentice, Theo, struggles to fill his mentor's shoes.

Wording is a little awkward. I would probably start the sentence with the character's name and then give the quick description of who he is, but the real issue comes up in your next line.

As he begins taking on more responsibility, however, it becomes evident that he is underprepared, and that he has not been told the whole truth about the war and the demons.

What is more responsibility? How is he underprepared? What is the whole truth? Of course, you shouldn't say what the truth is right here, but one specific hint would be helpful. I have the same feedback when you introduce Shiren. I'm not sure what she's doing now, what the problem is, and what's at stake for her.

I think the bones of your query are a good start, I would add more information in throughout! Best of luck!

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Joined: May 3rd, 2021, 5:37 pm

Re: Query: YA High Fantasy

Post by jstoj » June 26th, 2021, 8:55 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I'll do my best to work on your suggestions.

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Joined: August 10th, 2021, 12:40 am

Re: Query: YA High Fantasy

Post by melgo » August 10th, 2021, 1:14 am


I agree with the previous commenter - you really want to emphasize/drive home on the stakes of your novel. Why should we care? What is the “so what”? The stakes is what entices us to read on.

Additionally, try your best to lead with the name of your MC. It’s more “punchy” and more likely to grab attention. It also ensures that your MC is the absolute focus. I also wouldn’t introduce too many characters in the beginning of your query (you mention Hero of Radiance, the Demon King, and then Theo) unless absolutely necessary. The two new terms (Hero of Radiance and Demon King) in quick succession made me a little confused but that might be just me.

And like aforementioned, the same is true for Shiren. Really capitalize on the stakes. Good work so far!

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