Public Service Announcement

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Regan Leigh
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Public Service Announcement

Post by Regan Leigh » August 16th, 2010, 1:29 pm

In the past hour alone, I have witnessed two fellow writers bashing writers in a genre other than theirs. (Romance writers can't build a plot or YA writers are below the adult reading level and non-important.)

Ok, seriously? Why must writers bash other writers? We all work damn hard to improve our craft. We spend hours to years over projects that may never be read by more than a couple of people, if even that. Each of us has decided where our strength is genre-wise and we seek to be great at it. (At least in my experience with other writers.)

So why is it necessary to look down on other people for their chosen path? How does colleague bashing help promote your career? Being a writer is difficult and full of rejection. Don't add to that just because you're bored and don't want to filter your own words -- especially online.

Variety is good.

Support your colleagues.

*steps off soap box*
Last edited by Regan Leigh on August 16th, 2010, 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by stephmcgee » August 16th, 2010, 1:33 pm

It's the same as bullies, I think. They see the faults in others and pushing others down helps them to ignore the same faults in themselves and somehow feel better about themselves. Everyone has their strengths and weakness. But they either choose to play to the strengths and work to improve the weaknesses or they turn bitter and choose to see the world through tainted lenses. All we can do is choose the better road.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by dios4vida » August 16th, 2010, 1:47 pm

Amen, Regan Leigh!! Life is hard enough with all the "unbelievers" out there (who don't think writing is a valuable use of our time, etc.). We should stick together, man!!
Brenda :)

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Regan Leigh
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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Regan Leigh » August 16th, 2010, 2:00 pm

I guess I just don't see the logic or the motivation, but I agree about the bitterness for sure! :)

And yes, why WOULDN'T we stick together? :D

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by J. T. SHEA » August 16th, 2010, 4:18 pm

Amen, Regan! Sour grapes, jealousy, dualistic black-and-white distinctions, my-way-or-the-highway, you name it, some writers wallow in it. So much for professional courtesy!

Down the well
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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Down the well » August 16th, 2010, 6:40 pm

I have to say it really disturbs me to see professional, well-known writers do this in public. I don't know if it's jealousy, competitiveness, or just bad behavior, but it seems so unnecessary. It only brings down the person doing it.

And I don't like to see unpublished writers do it in the blogosphere, either. People need to respect others, even if they don't understand the nuances of someone else's genre. Let's face it, it's hard for everyone whether you write romance or fantasy or literary fiction.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by marilyn peake » August 16th, 2010, 11:55 pm

In my experience, when you see writers bashing other writers, it’s time to look elsewhere. There are so many writers that go to such great lengths to help other writers, it’s incredibly inspiring. I've had so many writers help me in so many ways, and I've tried to help other writers as well.
Marilyn Peake

Novels: THE FISHERMAN’S SON TRILOGY and GODS IN THE MACHINE. Numerous short stories. Contributor to BOOK: THE SEQUEL. Editor of several additional books. Awards include Silver Award, 2007 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Mira » August 17th, 2010, 12:13 pm

Yes, I know what you mean, Regan. It's painful to watch people hurting each other. I think jealousy and insecurity combine to make people feel competitive with each other, and sometimes they strike out. The anonymity of the internet can also lead to people's worst sides making an appearance.

In fact, it's on my list - I want to post a thread about jealousy because I think many of us struggle with it.

Marilyn!! So cool to see you coming around again. :)

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Regan Leigh
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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Regan Leigh » August 17th, 2010, 4:36 pm

Down the well wrote:I have to say it really disturbs me to see professional, well-known writers do this in public. I don't know if it's jealousy, competitiveness, or just bad behavior, but it seems so unnecessary. It only brings down the person doing it.

And I don't like to see unpublished writers do it in the blogosphere, either. People need to respect others, even if they don't understand the nuances of someone else's genre. Let's face it, it's hard for everyone whether you write romance or fantasy or literary fiction.
J. T. SHEA wrote:Amen, Regan! Sour grapes, jealousy, dualistic black-and-white distinctions, my-way-or-the-highway, you name it, some writers wallow in it. So much for professional courtesy!
marilyn peake wrote:In my experience, when you see writers bashing other writers, it’s time to look elsewhere. There are so many writers that go to such great lengths to help other writers, it’s incredibly inspiring. I've had so many writers help me in so many ways, and I've tried to help other writers as well.
Mira wrote:Yes, I know what you mean, Regan. It's painful to watch people hurting each other. I think jealousy and insecurity combine to make people feel competitive with each other, and sometimes they strike out. The anonymity of the internet can also lead to people's worst sides making an appearance.

In fact, it's on my list - I want to post a thread about jealousy because I think many of us struggle with it.
I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this. It only accomplishes making that person look sorely unprofessional and they lose followers to their blog or Twitter. (Well, at least I know they lose me and probably Marilyn, too. ;))

I've even been known to stop following best sellers or agents over unprofessionalism online. They may never notice, but I feel better. :)

I think in many instances it can be jealousy fueling the unprofessional behavior, but in these cases I also think pompous self-righteousness was winning. :D I've been lucky to find some great and supportive writers that became good friends over time. All online. I'm planning to do a post on my blog this week about social networking and how well it DOES work. Depending on your motivation. And depending on how you handle yourself. *cough* Not bashing others... *cough*

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by marilyn peake » August 17th, 2010, 5:42 pm

Regan, I’m so glad to hear that you’ve met supportive, friendly authors online. They more than make up for the few authors who can be unpleasant. I know what you mean about un-following some famous people. A while back, I had to stop following a very famous TV personality on Twitter because they kept getting into fights with their followers … and they made a point of re-tweeting the arguments!

Hi, Mira! ** waving **
Marilyn Peake

Novels: THE FISHERMAN’S SON TRILOGY and GODS IN THE MACHINE. Numerous short stories. Contributor to BOOK: THE SEQUEL. Editor of several additional books. Awards include Silver Award, 2007 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Mira » August 18th, 2010, 11:40 am

Hi Marilyn!@ **waving back**

One of the reasons I like Nathan's forums is there's very little of that here. The people here are really supportive. Doesn't mean we don't disagree, but we tend not to make it too personal, which is nice. :)

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 18th, 2010, 1:37 pm

I agree with Mira. Nathan's forums are one of the only places I've ever felt like there isn't this crushing overtone of I'M A BETTER AUTHOR THAN YOU HA-HA that so easily sparks off disagreements and unpleasentries. It’s the only place I regularly participate because I am assured of awesome topics and smart comments, a welcoming atmosphere that what I say is just as valuable as what anyone else says. No one is going to be like "you ended your sentence with a preposition, therefore your argument is invalid because you are stupid."

And what's even more interesting? Because of this awesome forum mojo, I want every writer on this board to succeed and I get as excited about their success stories as if they were my very best friends instead of wonderful strangers.

I don't mind authors disagreeing with other authors, but I really mind authors behaving badly to one another AND to their fans. I have distanced myself before from authors who pulled some sort of magic superior card on their fans that invalidate them and their opinions. The internet is way too permanent to act so poorly. We all deserve to be treated with respect, online and off.
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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Ishta » August 18th, 2010, 5:38 pm

A-MEN! Sommer, you said it beautifully.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by Sommer Leigh » August 18th, 2010, 6:36 pm

Ishta wrote:A-MEN! Sommer, you said it beautifully.

May the word counts be ever in your favor.
Be nice, or I get out the Tesla cannon.

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Re: Public Service Announcement

Post by dios4vida » August 18th, 2010, 7:28 pm

Woo-hoo, preach it, Sommer!! I couldn't agree more, especially about how amazingly cool the people on this forum are. I'm sure my husband is sick of hearing me start sentences with "So today on my writer's forum..."

Brenda :)

Inspiration isn't about the muse. Inspiration is working until something clicks. ~Brandon Sanderson

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