Submission Stories

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Submission Stories

Post by beacon22 » March 31st, 2010, 9:13 pm

Published authors...

My YA novel is on submission right now and the wait is killing me. Sadly, it didn't sell at auction in week, so now I'm waiting and stalking my e-mail to hear from my agent.

I know submission times vary, but I'd love to hear any stories from published authors. How long was your wait? How did you handle the wait!? What was it like when you found out?
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Re: Submission Stories

Post by Colonel Travis » March 31st, 2010, 11:18 pm

I'm a big fan of the watched pot school of thought. If you're not writing your next book, snap to it - ain't nothing you can do about the one that's out there now. You've overcome a giant hurdle by landing an agent, congrats. Many people would kill to be in the spot you're in now. Take advantage of it and keep cranking out stuff.<--------------

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Re: Submission Stories

Post by mojo25 » April 2nd, 2010, 4:57 pm

Publishing time is different than ordinary time. You have to be incredibly patient. That your agent had enough confidence in your work for an auction is a great sign. Once he/she finds an interested editor, you might have another long wait for the contract. When I published my nonfiction kid's books, it took one year (and a very active involved agent) until I finally signed the contract. I doubt that will happen to you, but you still need to be patient....agonizing...I know....

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Re: Submission Stories

Post by SybilNelson » April 16th, 2010, 3:07 pm

Two pubishers have had one of my books since November 2008. It hasn't been rejected. They just keep saying they need more time. About 12 publishers have had another one of my books since December 2009. Still waiting. I've checked my email so much I'm surprised Yahoo hasn't blocked me.

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Re: Submission Stories

Post by beacon22 » April 23rd, 2010, 11:20 pm

C. Travis....I like your way of thinking! I am working on my next book and keep telling myself that if the first one doesn't sell, this one might. It's a good incentive to keep writing!

SybilNelson...I'm in the same boat. My book is out with editors too. I think AOL may get a restraining order on me! Best of luck with your submission!
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Re: Submission Stories

Post by wildheart » April 25th, 2010, 5:02 am

There is nothing you can do about your work that is out with editors. Focus on your next project, whatever that may be. Write like crazy. Try not to worry about it too much. I know, easier said than done.

Just remember most writers don't get their work accepted overnight. You may have to do quite a bit of waiting before you get any bites. Just gotta trust the process. (I know this is probably not what you want to hear).
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Re: Submission Stories

Post by beacon22 » April 25th, 2010, 4:41 pm

Wildheart... The truth is that I hear so many stories of books getting picked up in two or three weeks (at least YA), that I like hearing people tell me stories of the process taking longer. That means I still have hope! It is all about waiting now, and I try to put it out of my mind...but sometimes that is just so hard!
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Re: Submission Stories

Post by jrector » April 27th, 2010, 5:51 pm

How long was your wait? How did you handle the wait!? What was it like when you found out?
My agent submitted my second novel (the first one hadn't sold at that point) in October of 2008, and I received an offer in June of 2009.

I probably would've handled the wait better except the company I worked for downsized in January of 2009 and I was let go. I spent six months looking for a new job. I'm not someone who can handle not working, so those were definitely the darkest days of my writing life. I kept thinking I'd wasted eight years trying to learn the craft instead of focusing on my job and advancing my career. I was a couple years away from 40, and I had two kids under five, so there was a lot of doubt. I'd also just started my 3rd novel, and at one point I told myself I'd finish it but if it didn't sell I'd take it as a sign, go back to school, and make writing more of a hobby instead of my primary focus.

Also, I think I pushed my very patient agent to the edge a couple times with almost daily emails asking if he'd heard back from any of the publishers we were waiting on.

I've since apologized.

I found out about the offer on May 28th, and it was finalized on June 2nd. The relief and sense of accomplishment I felt melted into every other aspect of my life. After eight years of writing, I'd accomplished something millions of people try and fail to do in their lives. It was, and still is, hard to believe. I was in a daze for a couple weeks, then I flew out to NY and met my editor, toured the offices, met my publisher, etc... That was when things began to sink in, and when I got home I was equal parts thrilled and terrified. It has stayed that way ever since.

A lot has happened over the past year. I won't put it down here, but you can read past updates on my blog if you're interested:

RIght now, I'm a little over two months away from the book release, and I'm finishing up the 2nd draft of book #3. It's been a hell of a ride so far, and there's a lot of great things on the horizon. There have been times when good news came fast and furious, but it was always broken up by months of total silence and self-doubt (I don't think the self-doubt ever goes away).

RIght now, I'm more excited than anything else, and I can't wait to have the book in my hands.
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Re: Submission Stories

Post by beacon22 » April 28th, 2010, 8:14 pm

John...Thanks for sharing your story...that makes me feel better about the long long waiting. I'm glad everything worked out for you. Best of luck with the novel release!
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Re: Submission Stories

Post by shari » August 29th, 2010, 2:14 pm

I'm on submission too! My first book has been out since last July and my second since June, 2010. Yeah. I get that I should start writing and I have...but it's moving a bit slowly. I started a blog and that has helped distract me a bit. At the very least it keeps me from hounding my agent every day. I'm sure he appreciates that!
Thanks for the thread. Always nice to be in a room with other tortured souls. Helps me feel less crazy.

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