I am dreadfully confused by things like this. Anyone out there know how to step-by-step instruct on how to buy a domain (not design a website yet) AND establish a professional e-mail account? Do you need to set up the website to do it? Is there a MOST SIMPLE way to do this? Can you set up an independent e-mail with your name on it for a blog (without a website)? MAC user.Nathan Bransford wrote:Unless the e-mail address is wildly unprofessional this isn't a huge deal to me, though there are others in the industry who feel more strongly about it and advise people to have their own dedicated e-mail address.bcomet wrote:Hi Nathan. Thanks for the answer to my last question.
Here's something that came up recently:
I read (I think on Query Shark) that a writer should have a designated e-mail and if they didn't or had another name (like a pen name) that it was a BIG RED FLAG, that it would hurt a writer's chances. What exactly is a designated email? I use a symbols or words for my emails and not my name as part of my email address. I know another writer who uses her name and her pen name (one inside the other). Are these no-nos? If so, can you speak a little about how a writer's designated email should appear? Thanks!
Also, now is a good time for me to advise everyone to hurry hurry hurry and buy the domain for your name or pen name if at all possible. Then you can set up a very professional e-mail address along the lines of yourfirstname@yourfirstandlastname.com