Oh, God, I think I'm going to do this...

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Oh, God, I think I'm going to do this...

Post by sierramcconnell » December 31st, 2012, 10:49 am

So I stopped writing for about a year. I couldn't even get myself to do NaNoWriMo this year.

The reason?

I got laid off /again/ in the middle of NaNo 2011, and was told "it isn't that you're doing your job, you just haven't been here long enough and we have to cut costs" so they let the guy who didn't do anything at all keep his job and then replaced me with a /temp worker/. I was devastated that after six years of loyalty they would do that to me.

I got a new job at another call center, and I'm doing okay. I'm making far less than I should for technical support of hospitals, and I'm /contract/ so it means few benefits unless you're dying.

It's been rough trying to live through all this crap, plus life stress, and the impending loss of my mobility -thank you lupus-.

But I think I'm ready to just throw my book out there. It's been ready...more ready than I...but it needs a cover and all those cute little before and after pages.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never ePubbed before...but I think it would be great. I know it would be. But as an author, I still worry...is it enough?

I'm not looking to get rich...I just want to put that book out there and hopefully get enough umph to finish the other books I've written\started. I've had a long crappy road these past two years, filled with people abandoning me, people abusing me, disease, and life roller coasters.

God...I think I'm going to do this and I'm soooo nervous.

Any pointers?

(Wow...I haven't been here in so looong because I've been avoiding everything to do with writing...)
I'm on Tumblr!

The blog died...but so did I...and now I'm alive again! OMG.

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Re: Oh, God, I think I'm going to do this...

Post by JustineDell » January 10th, 2013, 9:29 am

Hey Sierra!

So you're going to self-pub, huh? Sounds like through the nerves you still got your head on straight about the whole thing. :D There's TONS of advice on epubbed out there in the world wide web, but based on what I've read you need to have the following:

1. A good cover (if you don't know how, you might have to pay someone for this)
2. An editor (again, editing is key in books. If you don't know one who can cut you a deal, you might have to pay someone).
3. A marketing plan. Set up a blog tour, set up a Goodreads giveway, make a book trailer (there's TONS of stuff you can do here!)
4. Social Networking. Do you blog? Facebook? Tweet?

It's pretty simple: make sure your book is polished, polished, polished, get a good cover, get a marketing plan, and let that baby into the world! Congrats on making a decision! And good luck.



"Three things in life that, once gone, never return; Time, Words, & Opportunity"

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Re: Oh, God, I think I'm going to do this...

Post by Sleeping Beauty » January 21st, 2013, 8:30 am

Sierra! Long time no see!

I'm sorry you've had such a rough time of it, but I'm glad you're writing again.And I remember that you're pretty much a consummate pro when it comes to polishing/editing/a.k.a the 'hard slog' bit of writing. I can't offer any advice for self-publishing, since I went the traditional route, but if you need reassurance - you can do whatever you set your mind to! :)

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