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Creeping to the future with my Kindle

Posted: January 14th, 2010, 11:28 pm
by Lani Longshore
My family wants me to join the 21st century. I should have realized their plot the year my husband gave me a Roomba - my own personal, private robot. Last year they gave me my very first cell phone (I'm not exactly an early adopter). This Christmas they gave me a Kindle.

It isn't that I hate technology, it's more that it delights in terrorizing me. I'm very fond of my sewing machine - an ancient, non-computerized Viking; the other machines, not so much. I only know two or three buttons each on my camera and calculator. The cell phone has proved very useful (although I still haven't mastered texting), and the microwave and I are on very friendly terms, but the other machines in the house prefer it if I just ignore them.

Still, I'm determined to make friends with the Kindle. I love books, and although I doubt I will ever stop buying the real thing, I know that e-books are the way of the future. Also, I can keep my own novel on the Kindle in case I meet an agent (for the record, the working title of the novel is Death By Chenille, I wrote it with my friend Ann Anastasio - the other part of Broken Dishes Repertory Theatre,, and it is a science fiction story about quilters saving the world).

I thought I would try to win the Kindle's favor by making it a gift. It doesn't need to be kept warm, so a quilt wasn't necessary, but it does need to go places with me. As it happens, I needed a project for the Santa Bears fabric. And thus was born the Kindle tote (it is the Pixeladies Yamaguchi pattern, just in case you want to make one of your own).

So, here I go, creeping to the future, trying to keep technology happy - and at arm's length - with old-fashioned needle skills. It may work, it may not, but it's worth a shot.

Re: Creeping to the future with my Kindle

Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:10 am
by Wingspan

Re: Creeping to the future with my Kindle

Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:21 am
by JuliaHunter
Amazon reported that on Christmas day, they sold more books on the Kindle than printed books.

Re: Creeping to the future with my Kindle

Posted: January 15th, 2010, 1:31 pm
by matildamcc
I have a new e-reader (I didn't buy it) and I hate how COLD it fact, that's one of the things that keeps me from using it much. (Mine is made of metal, not plastic). I kept wondering if someone had made little things to go over e-readers to make them a bit maybe you should sell them! Of course, e-readers come in all shapes and sizes so it might be hard.

Re: Creeping to the future with my Kindle

Posted: February 6th, 2010, 8:46 pm
by wetair
There are covers. M-edge makes leather and fake leather for all sorts of ereaders, I think.

Re: Creeping to the future with my Kindle

Posted: February 7th, 2010, 12:52 am
by marilyn peake
Welcome to the club, Lani! I got a Kindle for Christmas, too. I finally bought some books for it the other day - the prices were fantastic!