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Posted: September 15th, 2017, 2:49 pm
by abc
Waiting is painful. I know *they* say to get used to it. That it is part of the process, the game, whatever, but it sucks. Whether you are waiting to hear back from agents you have queried or publishers your agent has submitted to, it sucks. Do people talk about how much it sucks? How every hour of every day of every month feels like constant rejection? And then when the response comes it is actual rejection. Or so very often actual rejection. I mean, not always, of course, but for most of us most of the time. Until it's not. Hopefully the "yes" answer comes. But maybe it won't. How to live with that? How to live in a constant state of wanting and hoping and needing and worrying and anticipating success and rejection at the same time? It's a really hard place to be. Keep writing, they say. Work on your other stuff. Keep at it. Don't give up. Sure, yes, all that. But I think it is only fair to say that it sucks. It hurts. It feels bad. It's a process and sometimes it is like grieving. I don't think there is an easy answer. All I know is that when I read about someone getting the first agent they queried and/or sold their book in less then a week I want to go yell multiple obscenities into the abyss. I don't care if that story is rare or whatever ways one might soften the landing, it hurts. It feels personal. I'm not looking for advice. I've heard it or I've read it. But I wanted to put this out there. Those of you who wait, I feel your pain. I know it sucks. Sometimes things suck.

Re: Waiting

Posted: September 16th, 2017, 12:41 pm
by Nathan Bransford
Waiting is absolutely the worst part. 1,000% agree.

Re: Waiting

Posted: September 20th, 2017, 10:03 pm
by J. T. SHEA
DO yell multiple obscenities into the abyss! Then write a scene where your protagonist yells multiple obscenities into the abyss. Then we'll all join you both in yelling multiple obscenities into the abyss. Maybe the abyss will yell back, to paraphrase Nietzsche.

Re: Waiting

Posted: September 21st, 2017, 1:38 pm
by abc
This is good advice, J. T. Shea!