Seeking long-term feedback partners, we'll exchange a chapter every 2 weeks, let's finish our books!

Critique partners are worth their weight in gold. So (checking financial page) like $20,000 a pound.
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Seeking long-term feedback partners, we'll exchange a chapter every 2 weeks, let's finish our books!

Post by sallyblue » September 27th, 2022, 7:03 pm

Hi there! I'm working on a fantasy series called Madwoman on a Rainbow. I just finished Book 1, and have started dreamstorming Book 2. For about 7 years, the way I've written books is by working with a little core group of fellow writers. We motivate each other and keep each other accountable. I'm looking for about 2 or 3 partners. It'd be great if you're working on a book, but the main thing I'm looking for is that you want to write consistently. The idea is: we give ourselves a deadline every 2 weeks—send each other our chapters on the deadline, then return feedback.

I live in New York City, so if anybody lives around here, we could start an in-person group. In-person is wonderful for the creative energy. Otherwise we could return feedback digitally, with Google meet or or even just through exchanging comments via email.

Check this out: if we exchange a chapter of 5000 words every 2 weeks, that means we'd all be done with a book of 26 chapters, or 130,000 words, in a year's time. Of course, it's never as linear as that, but it does give you an idea of what's possible if we just keep cruising and submitting to each other! Not to mention how inspiring it is to read each other's work, while receiving suggestions to improve our own. It really blossoms the story.

Please email me if you're interested:

Sally Blue at

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