Looking for Critique Partner for Crime/Suspense work

Critique partners are worth their weight in gold. So (checking financial page) like $20,000 a pound.
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Looking for Critique Partner for Crime/Suspense work

Post by LisaLRegan » May 3rd, 2010, 11:27 am

Hi there. I write and read mostly crime/mystery/suspense. I have two completed manuscripts although at this point I am only looking for someone to critique one of them. It is 132,000 words. I need someone who is willing to read the entire work because ultimately I would like to cut it significantly but am unsure where to make cuts. I need a fresh set of eyes.

Also I am very, very willing to reciprocate and critique your work as well.

Please email me at duchessmalfi@hotmail.com if you are interested in developing a critiquing partnership! My query is on my website at http://www.lisalregan.com if you want to read it. (Finding Claire Fletcher).



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Re: Looking for Critique Partner for Crime/Suspense work

Post by RedBrick » June 20th, 2010, 1:41 pm

Hi, Lisa -

I'd like to join your thread and offer comments on your WIP.
I have a completed crime novel and several short mysteries and looking for other
writers working in the same genre.
I'll send you an email and take a look at your opening chapters.
I went through a similar exercise when I self edited a 150,000 word novel down to 90,000 words.
Learned a lot that I should have done this before I asked for a critique.
Let's hope we can get other crime / mystery writers to join in.

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Re: Looking for Critique Partner for Crime/Suspense work

Post by darstan » March 4th, 2011, 12:42 pm

I have a few mystery/suspense novels I am shopping to agents and am always looking for crit partners. Let me know if you still need crits.


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