Looking for a "fantasy genre" critique partner

Critique partners are worth their weight in gold. So (checking financial page) like $20,000 a pound.
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Looking for a "fantasy genre" critique partner

Post by katieW » July 19th, 2017, 12:10 pm

I'm new to the group and am looking for a critique partner/writing buddy that I can share ideas and concepts and get AND "give' constructive polite and professional feedback. I am writing an epic fantasy with multiple POV's and have been writing for several years. I do have one book published, but not in the fantasy genre. I'd love to connect with someone who writes fantasy that isn't necessarily geared toward only YA and who is working toward being published. I am good at quick replies and work and write long hours so I am almost always available to chat. I am excited about connecting with some one that writes fantasy fiction and is very interested in sharing to see if we gel. Thanks!

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