Query: Cozy Mystery Target Audience

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Query: Cozy Mystery Target Audience

Post by Erasmus » October 27th, 2022, 4:23 pm

Hi Nathan,

I wonder if you could assist: I am experimenting with two novels at the moment, both in the cozy mystery genre, but have concerns regarding my target audience.

In my intended novels, the protagonists are, respectively:

1. Identical twins (23-year-old, female)

2. A small group of crime solving friends ranging from 19-24 years.

The style of both intended books may be described as Nancy Drew-esque, specifically 'Nancy Drew grown up' or Nancy Drew but written for adults. (Thus: harmless but exciting fun, i.e., sinister exotic antagonists, quirky characters, exciting escapades at midnight, etc.)

Now I understand that cozy mystery readers are largely female and in the 40+ category. Furthermore, in my reading so far, it seems that cozy mystery sleuths themselves tend to be at least in their 30s.

Thus my question and my concern: is there an adult/cozy mystery audience for such a novel (adult Nancy Drew-esque)?

I am aware of the New Adult market, but have so far not come across any cozy mysteries here.

Would appreciate your assistance and advice.


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