Query: Children of the Night

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Query: Children of the Night

Post by Muse_Clio » September 6th, 2018, 5:38 pm

Ok, to be honest, this isn't technically a query, but I wasn't sure where else to ask. I am in the process of finishing and polishing my current work and am now starting to brainstorm queries; however, I have hit a snag, the genre is eluding me.

It is about vampires, but only tangentially, so might be Paranormal or Supernatural, probably not Horror, but my main character only thinks he is one--he’s not crazy, just 12.

It also has a touch of Romance, but in the pre-teen sense of hand holding and awkwardness.

It takes place in the near-past, and while the Arab Spring has an important role, it is again, tangential; thus it is not likely to be called Historical Fiction.

It delves into science with a medical condition and there is a snowed-in emergency, but it is not wholly a Medical Drama.

There is no murder, theft, swashbuckling, car chase or shipwreck, no snakes on a plane; there is a spy, but mostly by way of backstory, and though characters may be adventurous, I'm not sure it's an Adventure.

It has elements of Fantasy, but no mermaids, unicorns, magic or mystical creatures of any kind and no robots or aliens in blue phone boxes so not Science Fiction.

It is Young Adult and currently approximately 55k words. It has to have a genre, but I'm honestly not sure what that genre is! Anybody have any thoughts? I appreciate it.

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Joined: February 18th, 2021, 7:01 pm

Re: Query: Children of the Night

Post by Grianna » February 25th, 2021, 3:58 pm

YA Fiction?

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