Best TV show of all time?

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Nathan Bransford
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Best TV show of all time?

Post by Nathan Bransford » March 22nd, 2010, 8:19 pm

I'm really loving catching up with Battlestar Galactica little by little, and I know some people consider it the best of all time.

I think I'd still have to go with The Wire for best of all time though. What's your favorite?

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by tiftruitt » March 22nd, 2010, 8:45 pm

Fav Shows:
Firefly (brilliant writing and perfectly casted)
LOST (when you can write a paper on Ricouer's theory of narrative time about a popular show, you know it isn't your average tv show).
Alias (but only season 1)

...and Little House on the Prairie (Every summer break I get sucked into watching reruns of this show).

I have heard a lot of amazing things about Battlestar....might have to check it out sometime. It took me years to finally cave in and give Firefly a chance.

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by Missy » March 22nd, 2010, 9:51 pm

Firefly! Such incredible writing, such a terrible cancellation.

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by chomsnumnum » March 22nd, 2010, 9:53 pm

I loved BSG, I'll have to rewatch all of those. I have a real thing for Star Trek Voyager. Right now I'm watching "Big Bang Theory" which is hillarious. So the best TV shows of all time. I'm kindof with Sawyer in loving "Little House on the Prairie" (Also loved him reading Watership Down, a personal favorite). Also All In the Family brings back great memories.

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by abc » March 22nd, 2010, 11:17 pm

Yay! I love to talk about TV!

I agree that The Wire is the best of all time. So rich and poetic and funny and heartbreaking and gut wrenching and real. The greatest characters of all time. You just can't touch Omar and Bunk and Jimmy and the Sobotka family. Shiiiiiiiiiiit. I enjoyed Battlestar Gallactica, but I don't think it quite achieved Greatness. Gaius Baltar is one awesome character, though. I miss Baltar.

OK, since I love television (sorry Waldorf people), I'm going to keep going.
Arrested Development is the best comedy of all time. Genius funny. Beyond funny. Funny of the future!

My current favorites of shows actually still going are Mad Men, Breaking Bad (people, you need to watch this show. It is pretty amazing!), 30 Rock, Parks & Recreation, The Office, Friday Night Lights, Project Runway (she says in a low mumble, because yes, she knows it has gone a bit downhill), and, of course, Lost.

Just started Justified because I love me some Timothy Olyphant (Deadwood is pure awesomeness, btw) and Walton Goggins (The Shield had some moments of greatness, too). At some point I'm going to try to catch up on Modern Family and Burn Notice b/c I hear they are good. Oh, where has my life gone?

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by TheShadow » March 23rd, 2010, 12:36 am

The original Transformers, hands down.

Do mini-series count? If so I vote for Rome if I can discount the last episode (or parts of it).

For comedy, Big Bang Theory wins.
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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by Tycoon » March 23rd, 2010, 8:00 am

Married...with children

For cartoon I would have to go with Voltron

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by Holly » March 23rd, 2010, 9:50 am

Nathan Bransford wrote:I'm really loving catching up with Battlestar Galactica little by little, and I know some people consider it the best of all time.

I think I'd still have to go with The Wire for best of all time though. What's your favorite?
The Wire was fantastic, but I had to leave the room when my husband turned it on. We volunteered for a charity in the ghetto and the show brought it all back -- the faces, the smells, the horror.

Favorite TV show: Star Trek (the old one). Then Twilight Zone (the old one, too, with Rod Serling and his cigarette and unibrow).

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by charlotte49ers » March 23rd, 2010, 9:54 am

I've just started watching the Little House series! It's filling my DVR (do you KNOW how many times it come son a day? Geez.), but I love it!

Other than that, I dunno. My favorite show of all time got canceled really fast and even a peanut campaign couldn't keep it on for long (Jericho). :(

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by THB » March 23rd, 2010, 9:57 am

I'm sure I will forget some (and sorry, I can't choose just one), but . . .

I really, really miss The West Wing. (Does anybody know what Aaron Sorkin is doing these days?)
I loved Star Trek: TNG.
I loved M*A*S*H way back when, but the sexism really bothers me now. (I know, I know.)
The old Twilight Zones were pretty amazing.
I also miss original, funny sitcoms as a whole.

Sorry, Nathan, I went outside the box on your question there. If I ever query you, I'll stick to your guidelines more closely! :)

OK, I can't believe I'm procrastinating with this post. Back to work!

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by tiftruitt » March 23rd, 2010, 11:29 am

Oh, have we moved to cartoons? Nothing beats Rainbow Bright and Jem and the Holograms. Also, does anyone else remember the really creepy Care Bears movie with the demon/damon like child?

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by mojo25 » March 23rd, 2010, 2:12 pm

My husband and I are addicted to MAD MEN.

other contenders:

Some episodes of THE OUTER LIMITS are classics (like "The Sixth Finger") Ditto TWILIGHT ZONE ("Talky Tina" etc)



guys in my house love STAR TREK: TNG (we have boxed sets of ALL six or seven seasons)





my favorite show when I was a kid: GREEN ACRES (yes, I had bad taste then...)

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by marilyn peake » March 23rd, 2010, 2:50 pm

Definitely, the new Battlestar Galactica - awesome show!
Marilyn Peake

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by Mira » March 23rd, 2010, 3:03 pm

What a fun question. I haven't seen the Wire or Battle Star G., but they are on my list.

My favorites:

anything by Joss Whedon. He's an incredible writer. My favorite is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Star Trek: The Next Generation. Great writing.

This one had its not-so-good episodes, but some of the writing was amazing: The Wonder Years

A personal favorite, hilarious: What's my line.

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Re: Best TV show of all time?

Post by Leila » March 23rd, 2010, 3:17 pm

I like the question, I just can't answer it! Well, not down to an absolute best anyway.

My contenders, after much thinking and consumption of last 3 chocolate biscuits, in order are:

1. MASH (agree with the earlier comment on sexism but still...)
2. The Black Adder
3. Mr Bean

I won't go into fav cartoons because I have too many to choose from. I love cartoons!

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