Teenage Writers?

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Re: Teenage Writers?

Post by ladymarella » March 20th, 2011, 8:18 pm

I am 17 and in my last year of high school. I have also been writing my novel in its current form for about two years. I do have trouble juggling everything, especially at the moment as I have my half-yearly exams coming up. How I get my writing done is I get up at 5.45am most mornings and get about an hour in there. But this would only really work if you're a morning person like I am. my old plan of writing during science doesn't work now as i'm not doing science and all my school work now counts! I think part of you just has to admit that you've got to focus on school work, and your writing may have to suffer. But I do agree that I get more down when I'm busy. If your writing is something you're really passionate about you'll find time for it. Good luck :)
Currently composing a sprawling family saga set in 19th century England
The world may be divided into people that read, people that write, people that think, and fox-hunters.'- William Shenstone,

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Re: Teenage Writers?

Post by okami » March 26th, 2011, 9:05 pm

Leonidas wrote:I have the sneaking feeling that I'm among very few teenage writers here, though I was wondering if there were any others that I'm not aware of. I'm about to start my junior year at a private girls' prep school, and I'm torn between excitement and trepidation. This is definitely the hardest year in high school where grades matter the most, and I already know of two tests that are scheduled for the first week back, but I intend to keep writing all throughout the year.

I have a blog devoted to writing this year as a student: A Year of Teenage Writing. Come November, I'll be participating in National Novel Writing Month, where I know I won't be the only teenage author, but are there any others here?

If you aren't a teenager, but still a student, how do you balance your schoolwork and writing?
I'm 19. I started writing when I was 9. I know several teenage writers, some of them with a lot of potential. You're definitely not the only one!

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Falls Apart
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Re: Teenage Writers?

Post by Falls Apart » March 27th, 2011, 7:16 pm

I'm a sophomore in high school and have been writing since I was seven. I manage . . . if waking up at five a.m., going to bed at one, and writing through meals counts. :) Maybe I need better habits . . .

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