Do you write the same genre you read?

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by shadow » December 9th, 2009, 9:40 pm

I don't usually pick up book by genre lol, but I do tend to drift towards fantasy (I write fantasy) and sometimes adventure, horror, suspence, and thriller. I read a whole lot of different stuff to tell you guys the truth. :)
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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by casnow » December 10th, 2009, 12:08 am

I read a fairly wide variety, but my favorite genres are fictional humor and cheesy thrillers (think Ludlum, early Le Carre, etc)... occasionally I read something more substantial (classics, satires, etc). However, I find myself writing about more real-world, this could happen to me, type things (i.e., a story about a guy that accidentally kills a girl in a car crash or two brothers that find themselves trying to protect their senile father from his hired help).

However, I do have an outline for a murder mystery and a humorous political satire... the only problem I see with bouncing from genre to genre is that I think it takes practice to get good at a genre.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by scrocker1946 » December 10th, 2009, 6:10 am

I have been a lifelong reader of Science Fiction, and have read little else. I always expected that if I ever attempted to write fiction, it would be SF, but I never seriously considered becoming a writer anyway. Much to my surprise, when, after many years, I was moved to begin a novel, it came out as contemporary YA. Go figure! I'm still in a bit of shock. There's still part of me that would rather write SF set in the newly reconfigured Jovian system (anybody who learned the solar system before the seventies doesn't know the new Jupiter). I want to figure out how to use the Io flux tube for an energy source. But I'm very happy with Wood City ("Forest Products Capital of the Midwest"), Kaitlyn Evans, and the band Dandelion Lawn (formerly Forest Fire, formerly Time Machine). It's one hell of a story, if I can ever figure out how to tell it.

I still like Jupiter and Io, but the flux tube doesn't make a good main character. :(

(Although, come to think of it, a sentient flux tube would be an interesting twist.)


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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by knight_tour » December 10th, 2009, 6:39 am

I write within my favorite genres, sci-fi and fantasy, but I read quite a lot in other genres within which I have no interest in writing, such as historical fiction, history, horror, and others.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by pabrown » December 10th, 2009, 10:26 am

Yes, I do. I love police procedurals and that's what I write, for the most part. I do write the occasional romance, something I read only occasionally. I do read more than those kinds of books, but they are my favorite. I used to write Science Fiction and for years that's pretty much all I read. I've also been known to read the occasional cozy or historical, and I love Terry Pratchett and don't think I'd ever write anything like any of those genres. I'm honestly not sure I could write a genre I've never read or haven't read lately. Or maybe it's just that I don't want to. I'm happy writing what I do.
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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by tianalei » December 10th, 2009, 12:08 pm

I've tried writing outside of the genre I read, but usually it doesn't work out so well. I've found that when I write the genre I am most familiar with (by reading) it actually helps me know what my readers would want. So, I have an easier time when I write what I read.
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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by KaylieJones » December 10th, 2009, 12:12 pm

I read mysteries and spy novels for relaxation, especially at night before bed. I don't write in these genres. I just wrote a memoir but I never read memoirs, only fiction. However, I did read many memoirs in preparation for this book.

Whenever I read literary novels, I find myself taking notes! How did s/he do that? Wow, check out this amazing POV switch! So I don't find this relaxing, but rather brain-stimulating, and exhausting.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by Joel Q » December 10th, 2009, 12:14 pm

For the most part yes.

But I feel by reading different authors (good and bad) and genres you can expand your writing talents.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by hetdough » December 10th, 2009, 12:16 pm

Yes and I always have. I read other genres of course, but there is something about YA that captured my attention at age 8 (Carolyn Keene and Judy Blume at the time) and didn't ever let go.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by Daniel » December 10th, 2009, 12:29 pm

I used to read and write within the same genre, but I've moved away from that having been really disappointed in most sci-fi and fantasy novels these days. I am reading a lot more crime/mystery/espionage as well as straight fiction. The closest I am getting to reading sci-fi right now is THE ROAD. However, I am writing a sci-fi/western, for which I read a lot more westerns than anything else. I think, though do love the fantasy/sci-fi genres, they just aren't gritty enough for me. So I read Ludlum, I read McCarthy, I read Brian Fox. Then I see how I could those types of elements into my own work within a different genre.

I loved reading all the responses. It really is a mixed bag in here! :D

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by vbonnaire » December 10th, 2009, 12:32 pm

I tend to read literary fiction and that informs what I write. As far as genre goes I read academic books, poetry books, novels (literary).
Here is example: James Hillman, Mary Oliver, Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje.
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I'm writing YA from a 70's redux perspective at present.
ps: I used to read a lot of magazines but no more -- they all seem alike and bland?

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by Triffany » December 10th, 2009, 12:34 pm

I read a little of everything (I've actually been on a 'classics' kick this year), but my current work in progress is non-fiction.

It's actually a surprise since I always imagined my first book to be fictional.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by PatriciaGrier » December 10th, 2009, 12:37 pm

Since I read everything-- been known to read the ingredient list off of bathroom cleaning sprays when there was no book in reach, I can say that I write the genre I read.

I write all kinds of stuff-- though the current novel is chick lit. Other than that, I blog on about three different places. My blogs consist of poetry, personal journey stuff, and my professional blog.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by Barry Chudakov » December 10th, 2009, 12:38 pm

I try to ignore boundaries. Writers who read the same genre they write can be trapped. Writers should read everything. Not to bray about their polymath chops but because writing is an exercise in tap dancing around what you don't know. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. When you least expect it, you will encounter the conundrum of not knowing what you thought you knew. Further, reading outside your chosen genre can give your work perspective and depth.

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Re: Do you write the same genre you read?

Post by John Ross Harvey » December 10th, 2009, 12:43 pm

I read just about everything. I prefer reading Scifi from greats like Arthur C. Clarke, Orson Scott Card's Ender series, read some Iain M. Banks novels as well.
My first novel I had to read for high school english was a Nero Wolfe novel, so crime and espionage are also cool, read the 4 Dan Brown's before Lost Symbol which I've yet to read, Digital Fortress was my favourite to be honest.
If Time Traveller's Wife is considered romance then I guess I read that, and enjoyed that book.
I have not read the Gabaldon books though my wife think's I'll love it, like TTW it involves time travel which is great for scifi.
Been reading some YA fantasy books my son has been reading, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Here There Be Dragons, and Michael Scott's Alchemyst series. Now reading City of Bones (demon hunters).

What do I write? Well I started writing comedy shorts, basically monologues of logical thoughts regarding life situations, and rants against people that cannot drive.
I wrote a very short political intrigue novel about proposing the elimination of that which makes the world go around.
My current latest available work is a drivers manual done with humour, consider me the Simon Cowell of proper driving, I berate and belittle any bad habit a motorist shouldn't do. SNOW is a big pet peeve regarding my rants. I have 5 books done with and have had zero success, I only sold to friends and aquaintances. Only 1 web buyer outside Canada that loved it.
All of these are under the name you see here.

My next creation is in production stage with iUniverse, it will be under a nom de plume (a very popular topic here at NB) and it is a romantic comedy, longer than my political novel, but compact, and extremely fast paced. I'm hoping to have it done before month's end. My niece designed the cover. I have a crime novel in development, a scifi, three to four more romantic comedies, two ready to be looked at, a concept for a Mythological character fantasy, and a friend wants me to do his bio. Thus I have created 4 nom de plumes to manage these genres.
Last edited by John Ross Harvey on December 10th, 2009, 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author: Three Forces Of Evil - Comedy Shorts, Snowball's Chance In Hell, Acronymville - Your One Stop Destination In The World Of Acronyms, World Peace - A Novel, Harvey The Happy Helmet's Illustrated How To Drive Handbook - A Drive By Education

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