Favorite activity to avoid writing

Because that novel isn't going to delay itself
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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Jaime » September 16th, 2010, 12:20 pm

Margo wrote:
Jaime wrote:
Sommer Leigh wrote:SIMS!!! Is it bad that I've created my characters and am playing out their relationships from my novel? No? Good :)

Want worse? Creating yourself and all your family and friends...and ten minutes into it, letting them do what they want, they're all doing exactly what the real people would be doing. And people used to think photographs stole their souls...

Now, the real question. If a Sims character is being uncooperative, is it wrong to lock all the bathroom doors?
Bahahahahaaaa! I HAVE created myself and all of my friends back in my University days, when Sims University (ironic!) came out. I put us all in the one building. Man, all we did was party. It was hilarious!
As for uncooperative Sims, there is always the option to take them out into the backyard and fence them off. Just do it quite a distance from the house so that you can't hear them crying!!! Oh no! Did I say that??? :P

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Sommer Leigh » September 16th, 2010, 12:39 pm

Mira wrote:
Margo wrote:
Mira wrote:And I'm immersed right now in the Sims...
OMG, deadly deadly deadly distracting. I have a little over 20,000 Sims2 downloads. That's not a typo. 20k custom user files.
Margo - tell me about it!!!! I strongly recommend that you do NOT get Sims 3. It will swallow your life.

Sommer - me, too. I have very strict rules about what and when I can play. I've been known to seriously consider calling in sick to work just to play video games. I love console games - especially the role plays, because I like them close-ended as well. But I'm not allowed to buy a console until I finish grad school, or I'd........never finish grad school. :)

Too bad we don't all live closer. We could have a gaming bash.
If we lived closer, we would never get anything done again. Ever. It would be an exciting display of non-productivity, to be sure.

I wasn't allowed to get a 360 until I'd completed my degree! My husband called it a reward for finishing, but honestly we both knew I'd never finish my papers and he'd never get dinner again.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I called in for the release of Knights of the Old Republic II. I considered it when we got Twilight Princess.
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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Mira » September 17th, 2010, 11:49 am

"If we lived closer, we would never get anything done again. Ever. It would be an exciting display of non-productivity, to be sure."

Lol. I can see that I've found my PEEPS. We'll have to be very bad influences on each other.

For the record, I have never killed any of my SIMS. Even the one who lived to be 116. I sent intense death thoughts his way: "Die, Die, Die, Die already you moron, Die!" but I coud never KILL him. That's murder and it's a bad thing. And yes, I know it's not REAL, but I can't help it. I can't even become an evil Sim, because....well, that would be evil. I'm hopeless.

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Margo » September 17th, 2010, 12:05 pm

Mira wrote:For the record, I have never killed any of my SIMS. Even the one who lived to be 116. I sent intense death thoughts his way: "Die, Die, Die, Die already you moron, Die!" but I coud never KILL him. That's murder and it's a bad thing. And yes, I know it's not REAL, but I can't help it. I can't even become an evil Sim, because....well, that would be evil. I'm hopeless.
Oh dear. I dare admit I'm the American Psycho of the Sims2 world. Which reminds me I need to work on my cemetary design. I'm going for a sort of overgrown rural New England backwoods look this time. It was hard to find space for placing headstones in the gothic Phantom of the Opera cemetary -- I guess I went overboard on that one.
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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Mira » September 17th, 2010, 12:21 pm

Margo wrote:
Mira wrote:For the record, I have never killed any of my SIMS. Even the one who lived to be 116. I sent intense death thoughts his way: "Die, Die, Die, Die already you moron, Die!" but I coud never KILL him. That's murder and it's a bad thing. And yes, I know it's not REAL, but I can't help it. I can't even become an evil Sim, because....well, that would be evil. I'm hopeless.
Oh dear. I dare admit I'm the American Psycho of the Sims2 world. Which reminds me I need to work on my cemetary design. I'm going for a sort of overgrown rural New England backwoods look this time. It was hard to find space for placing headstones in the gothic Phantom of the Opera cemetary -- I guess I went overboard on that one.
ROFL. Margo, you're an original. :)

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Wolfe3141 » September 18th, 2010, 6:45 am

Oh no you ***HAVE*** to get Sims 3 it rocks! Between Sims 3 and World of Warcraft and then the table top role playing games I enjoy I have tons of distractions and yet I manage to read a couple of novels a week. Which I consider to be pretty good with everything else going on.

World of Warcraft online sucks my soul ... I can lose multiple hours in that game. Go HORDE!!!!

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by abc » September 18th, 2010, 5:24 pm

I'm terrible at video games, so I just watch a lot of tv. These days it's a lot of HGTV (Curb Appeal: The Block, House Hunters, House Hunters Int), Bravo (Flipping Out, Housewives, Bethenny), Project Runway and Mad Men.

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by stephmcgee » September 19th, 2010, 1:57 am

Designing my business cards, designing headers for my blogs, writing blog posts for all three blogs that I run, etc.

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by NickB » September 21st, 2010, 7:47 pm

daydreaming sordid affairs...c'mon, be honest here people! LOL Dear hubby, Kidding. Nick

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by jzweig » September 21st, 2010, 10:29 pm

I'll start researching something related to my projected and find something totally unrelated.
Then it goes downhill from there.

That and music surprisingly help in the procrastination.
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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by wordranger » September 22nd, 2010, 9:59 pm

Favorite activity to avoid writing????
Writing is my favorite activity! I have to drag myself away sometimes!

I write at certain times of the day, and stick to that. Otherwise my family would never see me.
Writing is my relaxation "Me" time
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Jennifer Eaton, WordRanger
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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by surrealrain » September 23rd, 2010, 7:41 am

Oh yes, procrastination...my one true talent. I would have to say that my favorite activity to avoid writing would be taking a bubble bath and reading a good book, nothing clears my head better than that. I must say though that I almost always meet my goal of 3,000 words a day. Guilt gets me at the end of the day and I stay up writing when I should be sleeping...but that's what coffee is for right?

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by stephmcgee » September 23rd, 2010, 2:39 pm

I guess I should add cooking since that is an interest of mine. (I am in culinary school, after all, so it better be an interest.)

And after a long day at school it's nice to veg out in front of the TV for a while, unwind before diving into writing or anything else I might need to do.

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Re: Favorite activity to avoid writing

Post by Leila » September 24th, 2010, 4:43 pm

I kind of feel bad not including SIMS in my response since it is such a big part of people's worlds (lol) but I tend to play music, eat chocolate, read, eat LOTS of chocolate, learn stuff (soooo much love for the internet) and eat chocolate.

I can understand how the SIMS stuff would be addictive (I confess I've never succumbed, don't hate me please) because I do love the old playstation - Crash Bandicoot was close to my heart - and I was also a big Mario fan (remember the old nintendo?)

Should I admit this stuff? Lol.

I have to say though, that I don't avoid writing either. It's my favorite thing to do, outside of family time, and I still rush off into my fictional world most nights. But I've always been a music and chocolate lover, and an avid reader, so I try to enjoy a little of each (not so little on the chocolate as you can probably tell) along the way.

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