Beginner questions

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Joined: November 5th, 2015, 5:37 pm

Beginner questions

Post by aaronsmith » November 5th, 2015, 5:44 pm

So I have three short stories written, (one scrapped), working on a fourth and am wondering if can ever get published. Know little about the field but know would want them as small booklets (something like this size ... 50x710.jpg) separately rather than a collection. There are some small publishers in my area might talk to. Questions from here are, should one self publish or seek out a publishing company? In the case of self publishing, do any publishers work with very short stories (like ten pages) in closer to a pamphlet format? In the case of a publishing company, is it a good idea to pursue an agent? Also is it possible to find publishers on one's own, and if so how? If needed to is it possible to switch publishers later on? Thanks!

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Joined: November 7th, 2015, 7:34 pm

Re: Beginner questions

Post by roojean64 » November 7th, 2015, 8:02 pm

This year I began publishing my own puzzle book collection (Artistic Puzzles) and I figured out how to create a book format in word, save it as a PDF file and upload it onto createspace. My first one is available on Amazon and my second one will be released Dec. 1st. It was really a lot easier than I though it would be. The cool thing about self publishing is you keep all your copyrights and you're in control of how the final product looks . Create space has several book sizes to choose from. Self publishing pays the highest royalties but marketing is the hardest job. It's really a lot like a musician trying to get a record label and then getting radio plays, then becoming a hit song. It's a million to one shot.

If you want a publishing company to sign you up, you need to first find an agent. Major Publishing companies use agents because they shorten the stack of about 5 million choices a year. It's very hard to get published. The only people that are successful at this are the ones who give it all they've got. I wish you the best of luck. I'm going to need some myself.

Posts: 2
Joined: November 5th, 2015, 5:37 pm

Re: Beginner questions

Post by aaronsmith » November 8th, 2015, 2:34 pm

Thanks. Two questions still, can you switch publishers later on, and if you self publish how do you ever get books in bookstores and the like?
I tried create space, my stories were too short for them. I would have to publish a compilation which is an option but not the route wanted to take.

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