National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

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Sommer Leigh
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National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Sommer Leigh » June 1st, 2012, 9:14 am

I challenge you to choose up to three writing related goals for yourself that you want to meet during the month of June. The general word count goal is always 30K, but if you've met that in previous months, try 35K.

Standard format: One post per person, updated with new word counts/goal info daily, weekly, whenever. Please consider posting for the first time when you're ready to keep track.

Want to chat, offer words of encouragement, or get your frustrations off your chest? Join us over at The Coffee Shop - JUNE thread!

Who's with me?
May the word counts be ever in your favor.

6/1/2012: 506
6/2/2012: 4,326
6/3/2012: 227
6/4/2012: 1785
6/5/2012: 0
6/6/2012: 5726
6/7/2012: 1000
6/8/2012: 0
6/9/2012: 678
6/10/2012: 2862
6/11/2012: 894
6/12/2012:-6/22/2012 There's a lot of editing and writing in this time period - I kind of lost track of numbers.
6/23/2012: 3642
6/24/2012: 0

Total: 21,646
May the word counts be ever in your favor.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by dios4vida » June 1st, 2012, 11:58 am

This has worked so well for me in past months, I'm in again. But my goal is strange.

My word count goal: 0

I have a 90K word manuscript in which the pacing is way off. I need to cut about 15K from the first half and add the equivalent to the last half. I don't really want to change the length of this story much, but I've gotta do bunches of cutting and adding and shifting. So that's my goal: to finish this adjusting by the end of June, keeping the basic length of this book about where it is.

6/1: 274
6/4: (377). Got all the edits into the computer. Now to fix everything up!
6/5: Change of plans, we're going by chapters done now! (I changed my system.) So, chapters completed: 3
6/11: Did 10 chapters in the week I didn't post. So up to 13 now, and doing some writing in the last section as well.

6/28: I'm not gonna make this goal but I'm darn proud of what I've gotten done. I have the first 32 chapter completed (except for one scene I just can't get right). Still have the final act to finish up and it looks like I'll end closer to 100K than 90K, but I like how it's shaping up. Plus I've read/written/edited this thing so many times I need a new set of eyes to tell me what else needs to be done.
Last edited by dios4vida on June 28th, 2012, 5:36 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Claudie » June 1st, 2012, 12:12 pm

OK. Totally in again. You know I can't resist those challenges.

Goal 1: Write 25k (since I did 8k --> 10k --> 15k over the last challenges)
Goal 2: Revise the 2nd half of Part 1 (about 17k)

Ironically, I hadn't planned on a lot of writing today. XD

June 1st to June 11th: 1786
June 12th: 1771
June 13th: 1166
June 14th: 1009
June 15th: 1054
June 16th: 0
June 17th: 1516
June 18th: 1203
June 19th: 572
June 20th: 1621
June 21th: 902
June 22nd to June 30th: 4690

Total: 17290

EDIT June 12th: Whoot, I wrote more in a single day than I did in 11! It was about time I settled down and got to work.
EDIT June 15th: Well look at that! Since I gave myself that kick I've hit a good stride. Not to mention those stats don't show the editing work I've started on Part 1 (which is, after all, Goal 2).
EDIT June 30th: Slacked a lot towards the end of the month because I'm moving to a new apartment. But I kicked back in gears the last 2-3 days. I'm rather happy with that 17k. It's the best I did since the year started (and we're halfway through!) and it, along with what came last month, are some of the toughest parts of the novel.
Last edited by Claudie on July 1st, 2012, 2:23 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Aimée » June 1st, 2012, 1:10 pm

Goal 1: Write 20K. (Since I made my goal of 15 in May.)
Goal 2: Never go more than one day without writing. No more of this two or three days in a row of nothing nonsense!
Goal 3: Long term - finish first draft by the end of summer.

6/1: 427
6/2: 75 (That's right. Take that, manuscript! ...Better catch up tomorrow...)
6/3: 368
6/4: 306 (At this rate I won't make 10K! It's been pretty hectic at my house the past week...)
6/5: 755
6/6: 1121
6/7: 1878
6/8: 0
6/9: 1633
6/10: 439
6/11: 134
6/12: 0
6/13: 1971
6/14: 0
6/15: 723 (I'm actually on track! This is a relief...)
6/16: 825
6/17: 745
6/18: 56
6/19: 834
6/20: 0
6/21: 392
6/22: 653
6/23: 0
6/24: 464
6/25: 1370
6/26: 0
6/27: 367 (Falling extremely behind... Not going to make my goal...)

Total: 15,536
Last edited by Aimée on June 29th, 2012, 3:23 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Margo » June 1st, 2012, 3:04 pm

Quitting the day job (and all that entails) and serious performance angst completely derailed me until I saw my sales figures this morning. NOW I'm up for it. (I so want to squee, but I'm refraining.) I'm not going to set a word count goal, but I do want to try to write everyday (which sounds like it would be easy, but isn't when you've got the business side to handle as well).

06/01: 1123 (cut short by a power outage and a really good date :D )
06/02: 0
06/03: 1309
06/04: 946
06/05: 722
06/06: 5039
06/11: 1023
06/14: 1331
06/17: 1127
06/18: 93
06/19: 1770
06/21: 2141
06/25: 1649
06/26: TBD

June Total: 18,373

06/17 Edit: Yeah, I know, I know. I'm the fulltime writer, and my word count is lousy. Now that certain personal issues are in order...back to the grind.
Last edited by Margo on June 26th, 2012, 5:31 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by wilderness » June 1st, 2012, 7:11 pm

I found this fantastically motivational in May, so I'm definitely in again. Love the idea of the separate Coffee Shop thread :)

Goal 1: Finish draft (est. 20K) - COMPLETED! WOO! Ended up with higher word count than I thought but that's cool.
Goal 2: Revise half of completed draft - Ha. This may have been a little ambitious.

6/1: 496 words
6/2: 0
6/3: 0
6/4: 1545 words
6/5: 1531 words
6/6: 1549 words
6/7: 1529 words
6/8: 1582 words
6/9: 0
6/10: 0
6/11: 1578 words
6/12: 1539 words
6/13: 1515 words
6/14: 0 :( had some writer's block
6/15: 1516 words + outlining and revisions
6/16: 0
6/17: 0
6/18: 1535 words
6/19: 2372 words
6/20: 1545 words
6/21: 1501 words
6/22: 1100 words
6/23: 1403 words
6/24: 420 words
6/25: 1082 words
6/26: 694 words
6/27: 1475 words

June Total: 27552 words
Last edited by wilderness on June 28th, 2012, 12:00 pm, edited 22 times in total.

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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by klbritt » June 1st, 2012, 10:36 pm

This sounds like fun! I haven't participated in these the past couple months, so I thought I'd give it a try this time.

Goal #1: Finish first draft of current WIP (roughly 20k or so to go!!!)
Goal #2: write every day, even if it's a measly amount (obviously, this one isn't happening...)
Goal #3: hmmmm....

June 1 So far 300 words as of 7:30pm, with a goal of 1K + today ( word count: 72127)
June 2 word count: 73837 (1710 words)
June 3 word count: 74740 (903 words)
June 4 word count: 76359 (1619 words)
June 5 word count: 78408 (2049 words)
June 6 word count: 80217 (1809 words)
June 7 word count: 80216 ( -1 word) :D
June 8 word count: 0
June 9 word count: 80481 (265 words)
June 10-12 word count: 0
June 13 word count: 80479 (-2 words)
June 14-17 word count: zip - due to traveling and exhaustion from two young kidlets ;)
June 18 word count: 80621 (142 words)
June 19 word count: 82395 (1774 words)
June 20 word count: 85167 (2772 words)
June 21 word count: 85715 (548 words)
June 22-28 word count: nadda, vacation for three weeks is tough on the 'ole writing
June 29 word count: 88065 (2350)

Total words for June (so far): 15848

Last edited by klbritt on June 29th, 2012, 8:30 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by AMSchilling » June 2nd, 2012, 12:10 pm

Three goals again, huh? 'Kay....

Goal 1: 40k for the month (darn you for saying to boost the numbers, lol. And darn me for having such a productive May.)
Goal 2: Finish one of my two WIPs (I'm about 17k in on one and 35k in for the other, so we'll see how it goes.... Usually my books end up around 85k so I'm setting the bar awfully high if I pick #1)
Goal 3: Figure out how to boost my # of Facebook followers. No idea how to go about this, but I've got to figure it out some day. May as well be now. I'll count it good if I can double my "Likes," since it's so low to start with.

6/1: 0 (finished up edits on my completed book and didn't track words swapped)
6/2: 508
6/3: 2200
6/4: 0 (Oops. Kind of inhaled a book instead of writing...)
6/5: 1870
6/6: 2134
6/7: 1796
6/8: 3000
6/9: 1250
6/10: 1300
6/11: 1150
6/12: 1350
6/13: 2673
6/14: 1500
6/15: 0
6/16: 2300
6/17: 1760

Goal 1: 24,801
Goal 2: TBD
Goal 3: TBD
Last edited by AMSchilling on June 17th, 2012, 10:58 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Sleeping Beauty » June 2nd, 2012, 11:41 pm

My goal is 30k. I completely bombed out in the May goal and I feel like I let you down, Sommer! But this month shall be different~!

So far: 0.


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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by trixie » June 5th, 2012, 10:28 am

Let's try this again.

June goal #1: Get MG story to a point I'm happy with (and accept the fact that it's not FINAL FINAL b/c that's just not possible this month) and submit it to CreateSpace for the 5 free copies. If this is the ONLY June goal I meet, I'm okay with that.

June goal #2: Just write the damn query already, Trish. What is your PROBLEM?

June goal #3: Whittle down agent list from 211 to something less scary; put them in a ranking order.

Not sure if I want to post daily updates. I might look at weekly ones. This is an organic process. Stay tuned.

As of 6/12:
I'm going to estimate 1500 new words. Every little bit helps...
6/13: added another 1033 last night plus another 500 tonight (2033 new words)

Okay, it's the end of the month--how'd everyone do?

Me? I failed. Again. Miserably. Like, to the point where I wonder why I'm here trying to do this. So let's reacap.
Goal 1. Finish MG story to get a copy via CreateSpace. Well, I ended up going on an impromptu vacation to see a sight in my book and figure out the logistics of getting from A to B. So it was book related, but it was also a vacation. And getting back into the swing of things when I returned was mighty tough. However, I tackled a new section in my book, which gave me ~6400 new words, so that was good!

Goal 2. Query letter: never happened.
Goal 3: Agent list: didn't even open it.

Total new words for June: 8433.
Last edited by trixie on June 30th, 2012, 10:49 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by windycacket » June 7th, 2012, 11:19 pm

I think this is just what I need! :D

Goal #1 Work through the suggestions from my author friend for my NaNoWriMo 2011 novel.
Goal #2 Finish up my first short story
Goal #3 Write at least 20k words for the month between the two projects.

June 8 450 :|
June 9 638 :?
June 10 --- :oops:
June 11 325 (edits) :roll:
June 12 1623 :D
June 13 804 :)
June 14 1200 :mrgreen:

Total so far: 5040
Last edited by windycacket on June 14th, 2012, 3:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Sommer Leigh » June 12th, 2012, 9:19 am

Don't forget to update your word count totals!
May the word counts be ever in your favor.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Sommer Leigh » June 18th, 2012, 11:30 am

It's that time to update your June word counts!
May the word counts be ever in your favor.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Claudie » June 18th, 2012, 3:22 pm

It's also Back Up Your Whole Things Before it Disappears Day. Don't let your hard work vanish into the nethers.
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Re: National Novel Writing JUNE Word Count Goals

Post by Sommer Leigh » June 25th, 2012, 8:36 am

Don't forget to update your word count for June!
May the word counts be ever in your favor.
Be nice, or I get out the Tesla cannon.

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