Your writing space

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Re: Your writing space

Post by trixie » February 14th, 2012, 11:32 am

I keep putting off making my writing space my own because one of these years I'm going to redo the room.

Right now, I have GROSS blue carpet, two bookshelves BUSTING at the seams (one for books and one for scrapbooking/card making), tupperware storage bins, an incredibly uncomfortable wooden chair, and a desk held together on a wish and a prayer.

This might actually be the year I get a new desk and chair... We'll see. It would be SO nice.

I'm with the others--my pics will have to wait until after the Fest!

Sommer Leigh
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Re: Your writing space

Post by Sommer Leigh » February 14th, 2012, 11:38 am

dios4vida wrote: Scary!! My husband's huge on Legos, too. He has bins and bins of them, but only a few small things currently built. And I needed something for the cats, too, because they want to be with me. (I have a couch in here that they've claimed, as well as the little scratching post for Twerp.) Seriously, Sommer, I swear we have the SAME LIFE sometimes!

Oh. My. Gosh. A card catalogue cabinet?? Really?? <lust> I need one of those. Need. Now.

And I LOVE that none of us dust! That's just fantastic. I don't have to feel bad now - writers just don't dust. Sorry sweetheart. :)
Nice! My husband likes buying the big sets - castles and ships and pyramids and he loves loves loves the lego mini figures. He likes setting them up in scenes. So like, he's got this one scene where a Frankenstein mini figure is laying on a wooden table from a castle set and the mini figure scientist is "raising" him. He's also got a mini figure hazmat guy running from a mini figure zombie. Unfortunately, all of his sets are HUGE and we are running out of space. I think I'm going to buy some of those big garage style bookcases for the basement so he can display them all on the shelves instead of on all my flat surfaces.
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Re: Your writing space

Post by Sanderling » February 14th, 2012, 1:35 pm

AMSchilling - I love that you write in a closet. :) It makes me think of Harry Potter under the stairs, or Sunshine (Robin McKinley) and her computer. As a kid I used to always love those types of cozy little spots, tucked away. I've since accumulated far too much to fit in a single closet, though.

Writersink - I'd have a lot of trouble writing around the tv; I can't even read near the tv, and I don't even have to think up the words then. I'd like the attic, for the peace and quiet. Can you bring some pillows up with you to lounge on?

Trixie - That sounds like my parents and their kitchen. ;) It's true it kind of feels wrong to personalize a space that you have plans to redo... even if the redoing isn't imminent.

Mira and Brenda and Charlee and Summer - Ditto on the dusting. Except our black entertainment unit. I like to wait several months till it's built up a good layer and then lift up the books and other items that have sat on it and created dust-free shapes. And then I wipe it all down, which I find strangely satisfying to see the crisp black reappear with each pass of the cloth. I never bother with any other piece of furniture, though.
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Re: Your writing space

Post by dios4vida » March 16th, 2012, 3:16 pm

Okay, at long last, here is my writing space. (Note the kitty photobomb in the corner :) )

The photos on my desk are blanked out so that no one at the retreat could look and see that it was me and my husband...but since we never got around to playing, now it just seems strange. But yeah, just picture me and my hubby there.

It's hard to see the plethora of weird stuff on the shelves of my desk, but let your imagination take it away. Rocks, sticks, trinkets, it's all there.

So yeah. That's my space. There's a blue couch to the right of the picture, to the side of the storyboard, and a window that looks out onto our street. A bookshelf on the opposite wall of my desk. That's about it.
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Rachel Ventura
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Re: Your writing space

Post by Rachel Ventura » March 26th, 2012, 3:49 pm

About the only space that I have as my own is the big bar below ZXCVBNM. ;) Other than that every room is shared simultaneously among more than one person (even the bathroom!), and I have very little to no real "room of my own." :( It's kind of really strange, the way I live, in that you literally can't go to the bathroom alone because someone else needs to shower and someone else needs to brush his/her teeth. I have no recourse other than to get dad/brother/whoever to just look the other way while shaving and me to shut my eyes when someone else steps out from behind the shower curtain (and they to rub sufficient soap in their eyes so as not to see me or dad/brother, who tend to do their "prep work" in the a.m. wearing little more than a towel. :shock: (I swear this borders on V.C. Andrews-esque exposure to obscenity.) :(

My writing space is my bed. I hesitate to share any pictures because the house where I live, my family are all these. Other than that my "inner sanctum" is upstairs in my personal attic. Plenty of gray matter and no dust bunnies or plastic bins. :roll:

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