Unplanned theme

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Unplanned theme

Post by Beethovenfan » December 11th, 2011, 3:51 pm

It's weird, but I somehow have had a theme going on lately that has been completely unplanned. I have been reading stuff about race relations in the United States, particularly in the South. I just finished reading THE HELP, and 2 weeks ago I finished reading TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Even some of my movie selections have been about race relations - I also recently watched THE BLIND SIDE. I didn't mean for it happen, but that's how it turned out.

It's been kinda good though, because they each have lent themselves to teaching me certain things that I needed to know in order to understand some things in the next book or movie. For example, In THE HELP, it talks about the protagonist, Skeeter, coming home from Ole Miss. I would never have known what that was if I hadn't already watched THE BLIND side, where Big Mike ends up going to play football. Weird how things happen like that.

Anyone else have those unplanned but awesome themes happen?
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Re: Unplanned theme

Post by Mira » December 12th, 2011, 5:08 pm

Interesting question.

I don't know if I've experienced themes exactly, but I have definitely had books 'speak' to whatever life lesson I'm grappling with right then. It can be uncanny how a book may give me the exact perspective that I need.

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