Any other writing teachers?

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Any other writing teachers?

Post by PatriciaGrier » December 10th, 2009, 2:08 pm

I teach writing to a bunch of middle school kidlets. I love it. I also do other stuff, like read literature with them, and there is that grammar thing we have to do, but my absolute love is to teach writing. Oh, and Shakespeare comes into play when we read something he wrote, then have a party to celebrate all things Elizabethan.

Any others out there like me whose first love is teaching people to write, and second love is writing? or wait, maybe it is the other way around for me?


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Re: Any other writing teachers?

Post by jmcooper » December 23rd, 2009, 7:51 am

I'm not a teacher yet but I'm about to start grad school for Secondary Ed English (I already have a degree in Social Welfare that is about eleven years old, so I'm sort of starting over). I'm looking forward to teaching writing more than anything else. Literature appreciation, next. There is a Ning site for English teachers--it's a terrific forum for all things English Education. Check it out!

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Re: Any other writing teachers?

Post by Clio » December 23rd, 2009, 12:03 pm

I've been teaching children (of all ages) for almost fifteen years now. The thing that really gets me going is Creative Writing - you can have so much fun with it. Problem is, I've spent so long using other Authors' books and extracts to highlight particular lesson objectives, I now moan - the old 'I could write better than that' routine. So, surprise, surprise, I put my laptop where my mouth was and had a go.

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Re: Any other writing teachers?

Post by shadow » December 25th, 2009, 7:52 pm

I am still learning from teachers and I do not intend on becoming one...I don't know how you do it but I can't imagine spending my days at a school after I graduate :O lol JK
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Re: Any other writing teachers?

Post by Kaitlyne » January 7th, 2010, 5:26 am

I had a writing class when I first started, but it's different because it's EFL. I'm an English teacher, though, and sometimes we do fun things like write stories in class. I love doing it a sentence at a time--passing a piece of paper around with a prompt and then each student adds their own line. You end up with the funniest stories by the end of it that way. :D

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Re: Any other writing teachers?

Post by beacon22 » January 20th, 2010, 8:36 am

I'm a high school Language Arts teacher....I teach mainly tenth grade, but I have one glorious class of Creative Writing students. I love it! They also love hearing about my book, getting and agent and what comes next. It's fun to write every day around others who love to write.
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Re: Any other writing teachers?

Post by charlotte49ers » January 20th, 2010, 10:48 pm

I teach elementary school, so I teach writing to my little ones (3-5). It's so fun to see them learn writing strategies for the first time. :-P

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