Forum Christmas Party!!!

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Guardian » December 23rd, 2010, 7:37 pm

I'd like to wish Merry Christmas to everyone and I also would like to say thanks for all the help what you gave me in the last months. I really appreciate it. Thanks again, and Merry Christmas!


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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by dios4vida » December 23rd, 2010, 7:47 pm

Brenda :)

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by J. T. SHEA » December 23rd, 2010, 9:19 pm

Careful in the Space Monkeys' office, Margo! It's a zero-gravity zone. The reindeers are complaining that tap-dancing is harder than flying, but at least they don't have to haul old lard-ass around until tomorrow night.

Speaking of Santa, Cthulhu says the suit makes him look fat. Does Cthulhu have a lap? Lovercraft never mentioned it. Like Down the well and Sommer, I'll pass on the photo sit. All those probing tentacles...I'm not weird, or Japanese.

Cheekychook, your choc cake porn is distracting me from my Japanese tentacle sex porn. Dios4vida, the first step is to admit we are all powerless over chocolate.

Pavel Checkov, not only can't you spell your own name, you've got your phaser set to stun? We Americans shoot to kill! Take that! MWAHAHAHA! Don't mind the nuclear wessels! Where are the nuclear WEASELS? You know, small furry animals that glow in the dark?

Fenris, modern consumers wouldn't sell their soul to an Elder God, though they might lease it to a young, hip god.

Good on ya, Margo! Apparently, the Old Testament didn't originally have any spaces between the words either. SO YOU'RE WRITING LIKE GOD!

Watcher55, how did you get so sober again so quickly? I'm headed over to Nathan's old Curtis Brown office to find the polar bear we left there last year. Happy Night Before Christmas Eve to everyone!

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Sommer Leigh » December 24th, 2010, 10:54 pm

Last edited by Sommer Leigh on December 25th, 2010, 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Margo » December 24th, 2010, 11:23 pm

Cthulhu is submitting our names to Santa for the naughty list?!? Just cuz we burned his tentacles and then banished him with backwards carols? Boy, those elder gods are sensitive.

Well, since it's already Christmas almost everywhere (about 4 more hours til it gets to me), let's shift gears. I'll bid adieu to the partiers who have to be home for the family dinner and dim the lights for the revellers who've fallen asleep on the couch or the floor. The reindeer have taken off their tap shoes, and the space monkeys are snoozing in the tree branches. Just the twinkling Christmas tree lights and the soft crackle of the fire now.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.
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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Quill » December 24th, 2010, 11:28 pm


*tipples another glass of mead*

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by J. T. SHEA » December 24th, 2010, 11:45 pm

Thanks for being so freaking awesome yourself, Sommer, and for your freaking awesome Christmas Cthulhu Card!

Bransforumers? Possibly better than Bransforumites, which makes us sound like something that might infest a house and need fumigation...

And I hope you get over the plague soon, as in TOMORROW!

Margo, the problem with that soft crackle of the fire is that Nathan's office HAS NO FIREPLACE! FIRE! FIRE! EVERYBODY RUN LIKE HELL!

Quill, you DO know that mead makes you drunk, and a fire hazard?

Merry Christmas to all humans and creatures!

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Sommer Leigh » December 25th, 2010, 3:12 am

J. T. SHEA wrote:Thanks for being so freaking awesome yourself, Sommer, and for your freaking awesome Christmas Cthulhu Card!

Bransforumers? Possibly better than Bransforumites, which makes us sound like something that might infest a house and need fumigation...

And I hope you get over the plague soon, as in TOMORROW!

Margo, the problem with that soft crackle of the fire is that Nathan's office HAS NO FIREPLACE! FIRE! FIRE! EVERYBODY RUN LIKE HELL!

Quill, you DO know that mead makes you drunk, and a fire hazard?

Merry Christmas to all humans and creatures!

You're welcome :-)

Bransforumers is sort of like Transformers for writers. Which is kind of awesome.

MERRY CHRISTMAS FORUM FRIENDS. It is 2:06am and I'm about to go kill a dragon before bed. The plague is mostly gone, only general tiredness remains so Christmas will be disease free. I even plan to make pancakes in the morning. Plan being the keyword, since I'm not great with the math of baking and mixing. I have frosted flakes on hand just in case.


As I pack up a final tall glass of mead and bid the Christmas party farewell, the coals of our chestnut roast dying down in the background, I can't help but think - "Damn, can't wait for New Years."
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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Down the well » December 25th, 2010, 11:48 am

Wow, just how bad do you have to be to make Cthulhu's naughty list?

*looks around at demolished office*

Um. Nevermind. Well deserved Bransforumers. Merry Christmas everyone!

And Happy Freakin" New Year! Paaaaaaaaaartyyyyyyy!!

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Mira » December 25th, 2010, 1:34 pm

Wow. What a party. I see no one was left standing, which is just the way it should be.

Sommer, that card is AWESOME!!!

Know what else is awesome - my fellow Bransforumers! May you all have warm, loving and happy holidays full of lots and lots of totally delicious things to eat!

A Christmas quote for you:

I heard the bells on Christmas Day.
Their old familiar carols play.
And wild and sweet the words repeat.
Of peace on earth goodwill to men.

-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

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Re: Forum Christmas Party!!!

Post by Claudie » December 25th, 2010, 9:47 pm

Oh my! The card! It is awesome!

Merry Christmas to all of you. You made an incredible difference in my life this year, and I'm quite certain you'll do so again next year! So thanks, and may we continue to rock on like this. :)
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