Looking for a writing Buddy

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Looking for a writing Buddy

Post by TomWrite56 » December 22nd, 2019, 9:33 pm

Hello! I'm Tom and I am Iooking for a writing buddy to help me write better as well as to critique my writings. I want someone who is very honest and candor with me as well as having a valuable sense of humor and empathy for writers like me.

I am writing a historical fiction play about the effects of the Armistice on an upper middle class Edinburgh family. The time period is 11 November 1918 from 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. with two Acts and Act 3 devoting to the first peacetime Christmas 1918. I have several ideas for many children's books, a humorous young adult novel about a high school senior with a disability spending a year (late August 1983 to May 26, 1984) preparing to look for a college that would accept students with disabilities. It was based on my true experience as a Northwest High School (Omaha, Nebraska) senior and how I applied to Nebraska Wesleyan University.

My email address is thomasheeren@cox.net and I have Facebook (www.facebook.com/tomheeren).

Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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