The Scent of Rain and Lightning- WIN A COPY?

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The Scent of Rain and Lightning- WIN A COPY?

Post by RebeccaHamilton » June 26th, 2010, 10:18 pm

Has anyone here read any books by Nancy Pickard? I recently came across her novel, The Virgin of Small Plains, and loved it SO much it became my favorite book of all time. I recommended it to my friend, and she had the same reaction. So I bought two hardcover autographed copies, one for me and one to give away on my blog.

Her writing is simple and elegant, full of emotion and mystery. I read her books both enthralled by the story and in awe of her writing skill. And to boot, I wrote her (the first time I'd ever done something like this) to tell her how much I loved her work, and I can report back that she is SUPER sweet. We had a nice email conversation. I'm really excited to be offering a free copy of her book on my blog.

If anyone is interested, it's really easy to enter. Follow me on Twitter @InkMuse and tweet a link to my contest:
(That will get you 3 entries!)

The link also tells you how you can get more entries. But even if you don't enter or enter and don't win, this is a book worth mentioning! Amazing. I swear Ms Pickard must be a literary genius to layer her story timelines the way she does.

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