If you want to create an eBook company and are annoyed that

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If you want to create an eBook company and are annoyed that

Post by ChrisKubica » January 14th, 2010, 3:14 pm

If you want to create an eBook company and are annoyed that "kobo" is already taken...

Yo, Entrepreneur,

So if you want to create an eBook company and are annoyed that "kobo" is already taken, don't despair. There are still plenty other anagrams of "book" left to use for your company name.

Here's a list:


Well crap, sorry. I guess "book" and "kobo" are really the only two good ones.

"koob" is decent (especially for someone with my name) but saying that your eBooks are backwards of real books isn't the right message, is it? Plus, it's almost "boob." Let's keep looking.

"kboo" is kind of fun, too. Makes you think of a caboose! Choo choo! Peep pip peep! But it also has a reference to KB in there. And a kilobyte's-worth of anything is very 1991. Plus, you don't want to scare old people or children with the "boo" part. And it's almost "boob", too! Wait, why do I keep seeing boobs everywhere?

What's up with "ookb"?! F**k "ookb" and the horse he or she rode in on. You can't even say that. God!

Hmmm. What to do. Well, you could just start a company called "Book". I don't think that's in use and anyone else would be hard-pressed to claim trademark infringement.

Or wait. According to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, "book" comes at some point from the Old Saxon "bōk". So maybe "book" came about when book makers in the times of yore felt like what they were doing had a lot more features than a bōk did and so they added an "o".

This is called "o" inflation. (It's a well-known phenomenon in marketing theory.) So since eBooks are supposed to be that much better than books, maybe name your eBook company "Boook".

What do you think?

On a related note, I'm available as a marketing strategist for $250 per hour (Kidding).


Chris Kubica

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