writing coach partner

Critique partners are worth their weight in gold. So (checking financial page) like $20,000 a pound.
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writing coach partner

Post by bcomet » January 22nd, 2013, 4:39 pm

I'm looking for something a little different: a writing coach partner. (And, then, maybe, down the road, sharing critiquing.)

I've done this writing coaching thing before and found it very helpful and productive.

How my format works is this: The goal is to write everyday Mon-Thurs. It can be one word or 350 words, something modest and doable in a WIP. (Actually, expecting to write huge amounts often equals burn-out after awhile. Huge writing goals can work in a marathon, but not always ongoing.)

(I tend to write in scenes -more than word count- and maybe spend other days tweaking the scenes, so one day I might do more editing and accumulate only a few words, another, I might write 1200 words.)

The pluses here:
1. It's hard to not pull out your WIP and write or edit a few sentences even if that's all you can do, four days a week.
2. With the only goal being that you write (or edit) something on those days, you will usually surprise yourself and end up doing more. (Beginning a thing has its magic!) (But *more* isn't the goal, it's just to write whatever, realizing that consistency is what's important, pulling it open and working a little on it.)
3. Having / Giving support on that (will explain below).
4. Sharing the process (will explain below).

So, basically, there are three components for participation for this to work:

1. Monday-Thursday, each partner e-mails the other and says: "Today I wrote ____ words." and the other writes back: "Good job!" (This means that *someone* is aware of your writing practice, cheering you on, and you are doing the same. It's very very simple. Short is fine on these e-mails.) *(And in the case of unexpected or other circumstances, write back: "No Problem. Pick it up after life happens.")

2.On Fridays, take the time to write an e-mail to each other about the process/your process that week. What was hard, where are you enjoying yourself, what are your obstacles, research you are doing, etc. This is about sharing the creative experience.

3. Sunday night or Monday AM (8AM or earlier so the other person can wake up to it at the start of the week): Respond to that email you got on Friday being supportive. This is not about the writing material so much as about the writing practice. It is not about someone being more informed or experienced than the other, just about being two equals sharing the journey, ideas, aha moments, etc.

(Steps 2 and 3 are basically a conversation. Two writers talking to each other. You wouldn't believe how much support this is for your own practice.)


Additional guidelines include:
1. Honor System of Privacy. No sharing of another's emails, or work without express permission.
2. In critiquing (if that is included later) : using Nathan's "sandwich rule."
3. Judgement-free zones: Caring about and committing to the other person's success in win-win and supportive ways.

Anyway, I have had these kind of partnerships before, for a set number of agreed upon weeks (and then sometimes taking a break and then re-committing to another such period if it seems a good or desirable idea and/or taking a break to read each others work and share about that for a few weeks.)

In the past, this has really gotten me through blockages, finishing, editing challenges, re-starting up a project after a too-big break, and more. As I said, I have found it extremely valuable.

I love having a coach -and have had several in the past as well- or coaching back, but this is a trade so totally affordable for both parties, i.e., free. Also, there is something that makes you a better writer, (as in critique groups), when you are actively supporting someone else's writing/writing practice at the same time.

In case it helps, I am a female, writing mythical fantasy and literary fiction mostly. I would love to partner with someone, as an equal, doing similar projects. Then progressing to critique partnering would/could be a natural additional possibility too. I especially enjoy reading fantasy and YA or new adult. (I am not interested in adult material or excessive violence.)

Please let me know or PM me if you are interested.


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Re: writing coach partner

Post by bcomet » March 21st, 2013, 4:33 pm

New Post:

I have, in the past, used this type of partnership for up to sixteen weeks. Lately, an 8 week agreement is better.

On my latest 8 week experience:
WOW, I have made great, consistent progress on an editing job that I was -previously- procrastinating on! Yea!

I have also found the following:

The LESS you commit to, the more it works, i.e., steady does it: this is NOT NaNoWriMo -not a marathon, not something to do when you have already got a lot or even too much on the table- this is more about steady establishment of your practice, even when it is not the fun part, even when it IS the fun part, but you're having a hard time penciling it in. It is a small commitment to just something small-even a few minutes a day- that you commit to four days a week and one day to write about the process and experience of that week.

Anyway, I am up for a new 8 week partnerships in this endeavor.

Please respond here or PM me if you'd like to try it out for 8 weeks.

Kindest regards,


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Re: writing coach partner

Post by laurac » April 28th, 2013, 6:37 am

Hi, I am interested...I am a third way of the way through rewriting my middle grade sci fi book, and it has been slow going. I would love to have someone to report to to keep me going. Are you still looking for someone?

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Re: writing coach partner

Post by bcomet » May 3rd, 2013, 8:36 am

Hi. Perfect timing. I'm about to start a new eight week round of this, which is a pretty good focus.
I'll PM you.

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Re: writing coach partner

Post by Beethovenfan » May 4th, 2013, 4:58 am

Wow, this sounds like just the thing to get me to get my butt in gear! So, after 8 weeks, and after you've had a chance to rest and relax, I'd be interested in partnering with you. I'm about a third of the way into a novel and have stopped writing. I don't know, life got hectic and I took a break, but now I'm finding it difficult to get back in the water. So, I hope you'll consider me in the future.
"Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine."
~ Ludwig van Beethoven

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Re: writing coach partner

Post by bcomet » May 4th, 2013, 3:09 pm

Perfect! We are just getting started, but I love having partners in the cue too.
I'll PM you about that time as it approaches!

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Re: writing coach partner

Post by Beethovenfan » May 4th, 2013, 6:11 pm

"Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine."
~ Ludwig van Beethoven

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Re: writing coach partner

Post by alieen » December 2nd, 2014, 12:32 am

I love having a coach -and have had several in the past as well- or coaching back, but this is a trade so totally affordable for both parties, i.e., free. Also, there is something that makes you a better writer, (as in critique groups), when you are actively supporting someone else's writing/writing practice at the same time.
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