Looking for objective reading partner

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Looking for objective reading partner

Post by GaoYuQing » February 15th, 2011, 10:27 am

Have at least a nominal final draft (doubt we ever stop fiddling with it until it's in the mail) of my fantasy novel "Born to Bondage." Have tentatively sent out some query letters but I think I need to polish those up too before I send more. In the meantime, I'd really love to get some feedback on my MS. It's hard for me to find readers IRL due to there being enough personal "stuff" in there about me that I'm afraid of the looks I'd get from family and friends. I'll probably publish under a pseudonym if I get to that point.
In any case, I'm a lifelong avid reader. Mostly Sci-fi and Fantasy, though I'll read whatever catches my interest. Nonfiction seldom does. I get enough of reality through life. Mysteries and romances tend to bore me, though I could handle the former if I had to. Currently reading 2 paper books, a graphic novel and an audio book for car rides I'm working on if that gives you any idea of my reading life. A little personal info that might help make me suitable for certain themes: I'm a microbiologist with a wide love of science (so I will be likely to scrutinize sci-fi for accuracy unless you ask me to suspend belief), and I also have a degree from a seminary, so the spiritual aspect is close to my heart as well. Yes, I'm a ball of contradictions :P
I actually have critiqued and edited stories before. Had a guy at an old job who actually paid me to read through his short stories to this end. No formal training in the field--most of what I write professionally are procedures and protocols--but I know what I like and I would hope I've absorbed enough sense of good writing through osmosis at least after all these years, plus from my own attempts in the field.
Anyways, scanned this topic and seems as if most of the people have takers, so thought I'd post my own thread to see if anyone will bite. Trading chapters would be nice, but we can work something out. I just really want someone objective who actually *knows* writing to read my stuff and let me know if I'm delusional. The people who've given me feedback before for the most part were those I have to wonder if they are humoring me, or even know good from bad in the case of sample chapters posted on my DA account.
Anyways...drop me a line please!

*edit* there is some more adult (some violence and some moments that may be construed as erotic, though these are not overt or intentional) material in my book, as well as a little gender-bending, so if that's not your cup of tea I understand. Transformations both mental and physical and an examination of the various forms of submission are explored throughout.
Just to be clear, the fantasy element is due to it taking place in a universe in which "magic" is utilized, not because of it being some kind of erotica, because it's not.

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Re: Looking for objective reading partner

Post by GaoYuQing » February 21st, 2011, 11:14 am

*listens to the crickets*
Wow, guess I scared everyone. Though looking at my initial post I can't say I blame anyone. I can tell it was reeeaalll late at night when that was written. >.<
I tend to apologize and babble when I'm tired and it shows. Nuts.
btw, my DA page is http://gaoyuqing.deviantart.com/gallery/ in case someone did want to skim a chapter to see if they were interested.

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Re: Looking for objective reading partner

Post by glj » March 2nd, 2011, 9:33 pm

Still looking for people to read? I would be interested in reading at least a chapter or two. Send me a message.

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